So... Killing Brynja was the supposed "Vengeance for Teldrassil," right?

Not everyone thinks the same way. The priestesses didn’t. Without Mal and Tyrande, the fear was that their people would truly fall apart.

It’s impractical to think that sacrificing yourself as a leader is somehow noble and helpful.

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Don’t worry, she’ll powerslide into something sharp again soon enough.


After that cinematic, I’d be surprised if she actually even still needed Val’Kyr at all. Since she’s apparently god level now.

/tink,tink Kill Sylvanas now! /tink,tink

And letting the majority of your race get wiped out is noble and helpful? Tyrande and Malfurion are replaceable, so long as you have people left over to replace them. That isn’t the case any more.

yes, the priestesses were the ones who prayed to not feel the agony of burning alive and hoped for being avenged by the ‘Alliance’ or whatever was their last thought before the eternal torment in the maw. It is beyond pathetic that this is how the story unfolds and they stick the retribution onto one character, Tyrande as the perpetrator ascends to ever higher levels of nigh invincibility and the Horde walks away without paying a copper in restitution or ceding an inch of land they stole. This is the key problem with the story as it sits. If Tyrande fails, no one else is going to be there to take her place, and failing can come in many ways.

If you play a night elf, you should be able to clearly see your leadership, the Alliance and your Goddess have all failed you, and failed you utterly and outright. It should’ve caused a revolution in the thinking, but it hasn’t. Cling to ‘hope’ as Sylvanas ascends to immortality powered by the souls of the dead at Teldrassil.

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People think I am joking or being crazy when I say the fanatism of the writers for Sylvanas is destructive even for the story and past lore.

But I didn’t expect much coming from Blizzard for the Night Elves. These kind of nonchalant effort towards the race has been here for years, and it won’t change.

Unless a massive amount of players stop playing NE or something. But they might get happy for it, too, lol.


they are counting on the sweet race and faction change bucks.

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“Majority” is still something I’m not seeing anywhere. And what would have her do? Die with everyone else for no reason? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

She’s not a god. She couldn’t stop it.

This just sounds like outrage because things didn’t go the way you wanted them to go.

Mal lead just fine and we won Darkshore back. Tyrande isn’t taking the peace treaty seriously and is going after Sylvanas. Makes sense to me.

Elune isn’t there to interfere all the time. She’s a deity. She never has gotten that involved. Ever. That’s not how gods have ever worked. That’s like saying “God failed us and is worthless because he didn’t stop the Holocaust!”

shakes head

I’m going to end this conversation right here, because I can see it spiraling downhill already. And I have no desire to fight with you. I like you too much.

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She could’ve killed Sylvanas, she could’ve killed Saurfang. She did neither.

it’s implied when it saws ‘too few are left, all that remain were the handful that lived outside of teldrassil’. The race is on life support.

When you lose a war and getting your nation wiped out in the process, that is failing. Darkshore is too little too late. And Sylvanas is only half the problem, the Horde is accountable and needs some form of austerity placed upon them. I don’t get why it’s impossible for people to accept that the War of Thorns was an utter defeat and defeat is failure unless, unsurprisingly, you’re the Horde, hence the charges of bias.

Gods in Warcraft show up and help. Elune being aloof is clearly part of the story, Tyrande herself says thus. I’m sure there is going to be a reason why. But I don’t trust blizzard :x

oh dear Rhielle, I like you too, this isn’t a fight it’s a spirited debate :no_mouth:, I don’t take anything you say personally you shouldn’t either and I apologise if I have come across as thus. We clearly are on opposite sides here, but when things fail I expect a change. When the Queen and aristocracy failed the Night Elves, they became nature and Elunite oriented. That, imo, has failed. Perhaps it’s time to become a technologically sophisticated society and not let that happen again. (for example). I’ll leave it here though. :purple_heart:

Elune always seemed like such a crap deity, I never understood the nelf reverence.

One last thing I will add:

There are no other gods in Warcraft. Elune is the only true deity we know of in this universe. She’s not aloof. She acts like a true god does quite often in different religions. They don’t involve themselves with mortal affairs all that often. And we also don’t know if there’s a reason behind tht tree burning. Perhaps it was supposed to for some reason unknown to us but known to her.

Yeah, I just feel like we might both get a little too emotional and it may go south. That’s all. I don’t trust myself sometimes. lol :two_hearts:

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taking it north right now :hugs:

My waifu is unstoppable.

I will be very surprised if she isn’t written as the secret hero we all needed but don’t deserve.

What, me, cynical about the writing? Never /s