So... Killing Brynja was the supposed "Vengeance for Teldrassil," right?

Cool so the one weakness Sylvanas should have is moot now

that’s cool


This actually makes me upset

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Sylvanas fans are going to love this continuing fan service, especially after all the retcons. The rest of you warcraft fans, piss off, it’s our game now’ is mostly likely what was going down.


Reading Blizz’ take on Norse Mythology makes my eyes bleed. All the bad lore and deliberate misspellings, it’s like trying to read Genesis P. Orridge. Seriously though I have extreme levels of knowledge of the RL stuff, but this game just uses it in it’s own bonkers fashion, and I almost wish they simply wouldn’t, as it muddies the waters for those of us who actually care about the true old lore.


i am probably the biggest sylvie fangirl on the entire forum but this has the potential to be the biggest BS they’ve ever pulled.

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Untouchable in comabt was bad, retcons ten times worse (she was never an anti-hero, she plotted this the moment she skewered herself on Frostmourne) and now she’s invincible apparently. such a compelling story, Im sure the icing on the cake will be ‘she’s actually the hero’. Well, definitely need to see where beta goes now, cause I’m sure as hell not buying Shadowlands if this is what they are going to do…

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idk what i would do if they actually tried to make her the hero. i joke about it to troll people sometimes on the forums but given what just happen in the cinematic it felt really obvious to me she’s about to be raid bossed. and more in a kaelthas way vs a jaina way.

I haven’t found anything that says this.

An assumption. It was never said why they were there. And I assumed it was so that they’d be around to rez her if someone killed her.

No… the only thing killing a Prime does is stop Sylvanas from having another rez. It never had a thing to do with the Forsaken. That was what people on this forum kept saying. And it’s incorrect.

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who knows, remember Garrosh was just a noob compared to the super brilliant fan service levels of genius that is some dumb elf from quel’thalas that jumped onto a sword and cried about it.

i really hope they have more sense than to do this. i am a loyalist and even i think this is ridiculous. and completely screws over nelf players who are upset about the tree. i make jokes about bbq and stuff but mostly because i assumed she would face some sort of consequences eventually.


I actually think the odds are she is going to be the good guy.
Morally grey if you will.
“this world is a prison. And I will set us ALL free”

if they do that what was even the point of trying to make a big deal about the valkyr dying? i have argued that that was a huge deal on the forums many times. but it seems like it was meaningless? is the warfront supposed to be nelves “big win”?

it cheapens it for anyone who thought Sylvanas had an interesting story progression on account of retconning all of it into meaningless mustache twilring I don’t even get how anyone other someone with a waifu body pillow would think this is a good idea. I’m assuming you liked the character for whatever depth you felt was give over the years…


She only cares about herself. She doesn’t want to spend an eternity in cold darkness like she’s fated to do.

Also: “morally gray” is a made up term that Blizz never said.

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Ion said ‘shades of grey’.


Tyrande’s going to become a villain and Sylvanas is gonna be the good guy all along. You all knew it was going to be this way.

yes. pragmatic sylvie is my favorite character of all time. but if they’re genuinely making her a mary sue how can anyone say they enjoy that? i don’t mind being the villain (i am a warlock after all) but turning the villain into the hero and screwing over a big chunk of your playerbase doesn’t make any sense.


Why? I’ve got Tyrande and her army hunting down Sylvanas. That’s all that matters to me. :woman_shrugging:t2:

if she can just be rezzed 3947593845734985 times it won’t matter if they find her and kill her. i hope they don’t do that though.

She can’t be, though. Not unless it’s a Prime Val’kyr or she makes some pact in the Shadowlands. Which is probably what she’s hoping for.

she’s going to Nightfae land looking for ‘answers’. Not sure where it will go, absolutely do not trust blizzard for anything when it comes to night elves. they’ve done a number on the race