So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

Can’t bring that up. It ruins the narrative that Horde never gets anything lol

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Thrall showed up. he’s talking to the griffins or something.

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Hmmm, yeah that would also be pretty nice. What I liked about each of the factions initially is that they both had their positives and negatives – we kinda lost those aspects and now we’re floating around in the realm where they’re both super positive and great. That’s kinda boring.

We don’t need this anymore. That’s the reason BfA existed and ruined WoW.

Both factions need to be united and work together. I want to see a Hearthstone-like setting, where it does not matter which race you play. The game is too limiting and predictable with the constant faction war-setting.

I’ve seen it work shockingly well on reddit sadly. You can get downvoted into oblivion for stating the objective fact that people were hyped for BfA and were celebrating the return to the roots of the franchise.
There were some people complaining but they were very much in the minority until the prepatch hit and everyone saw that we were just going to retread MoP. Again this wasn’t opposition to the faction conflict, this was opposition to a retread of a story no one liked the first time.


I agree. The BFA cinematic was one of the best ones they’ve done in a while and it really fueled some old standing faction loyalty with some folks. I really wished they could’ve made it so the Alliance were the aggressors in starting a new war with wanting to retake Lordaeron and Gilneas and have that be the guide but NoOoOoOOOo.


Why? Why would you want Baine to be relevant? Every time that oversized turd shows up the writing takes a nosedive.

Well except in the War Crimes novel. Or as I like to call it: “Baine Bloodhoof: Ace Attorney”
I think Baine should give up being a chieftain and start practicing law instead.


There are no horde or alliance campaigns anymore.

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Then we all had to ally against a fully empowered Old God.

edit: The only one who ever actually broke fully free btw, and then we still had to cheat to kill him.

That was so ridiculously stupid. I hated the Old God stuff with a PASSION in that expansion it felt so forced. Ugh.


N’zoth could have carried an entire expansion by himself and they squeezed him into a single patch.


Along with the entire Black Empire.
It’s just gone now, kaput.


I thought this was a pretty weak nick name that you gave him but that was immediately remedied by realizing that it’s actually your name that starts with “Kry.” xD

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It gave me flashback to the fakeout with Chewbacca in Rise of Skywalker.
Personally I think there are few writing sins worse than a fakeout death. It just kills the moment.

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Yet another debate that didn’t need necroing … your post said nothing that hasn’t been parroted 100 times in older threads.

Very weird stance to take friend.

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It would’ve been so sick if we could’ve literally had been able to go back and interact properly with the black empire and how it used to be. Really explore the HEIGHT of its reign. But no, we got…what did we even get – those annoying maddening visions or whatever?

At least Im not short. :wink:

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There is no Alliance nor Horde campaign in The War Within, there’s just a campaign. The last faction-based campaign was in Battle for Azeroth when the Alliance and the Horde were actively at war with one another.

sadly been like this the last few expansions, gone are the days when we each had our own levelling story :frowning: