So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

Yes congratulations, you noticed that Warlords was a wretched expansion - it sucked for everyone. At this point I’m very much in a “a pox on your houses” mood when it comes to faction brained nonsense.

Merc mode literally exists because alliance dominated BGs to the point that queues were literally interminable on ally side in WoD (mostly because of the human racial)

It’s a good thing that the Horde is losing relevance.

In Midnight they even lose a Capital to the Alliance and the Sin’dorei are forced to pay for what they did to the Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei.

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So? we had to betray our own faction and ally with the alliance in doing that.

Just because the horde was part of it, doesn’t mean the alliance didn’t invade and sack the city

And as horde you had to do a bunch of quests helping Anduin

Do you remember that? i bet you didn’t, because its not part of your revisionism, you pretend horde enver did quests with alliance leaders ever

Remember the alliance invading lordaeron who lead the forsaken to also be homeless?

Yeah, you don’t, cherrypicking evidence as it finest

You also ignore how the horde was made villains AGAIN against their will


I remember all of it. This is about you crying that the Horde never gets anything.

Lordaeron’s been reclaimed and is being cleaned up, by the way. SL quests…or was it DF? Whenever Forsaken got their heritage armor.

Children, you’re both awful.

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I play both factions, had a Goblin since Cata. I’ve literally seen both stories for every expansion.

hard to have us throw out a solution to a decade of Bliz destroying the Horde one character assassination at a time, as if we’re responsible for them stripping Thrall of agency, turning Baine, Garrosh, and Syl into an insufferable caricatures, killing off Voljin, Saurfang, etc.

You’re right there’s not a lot of good options for Horde characters at the moment, but that is definitely not the fault of Horde players.


No, this is about you crying saying the horde was the center of attention in the game for a long time

Literally the only time horde got attention was in cataclysm - making the factions balanced - and in MOP where in the end they got screwed over for the alliance players feel good.

Whats happening in TWW and in DF for horde, never happened to the alliance, its not comparable, period.

And you got a brand new Tree in DF, with an entire patch revolved around night elves and the alliance

So call me again, when we invade stormwind :v:t5:


Because they were. You can’t just say, “Oh, they were a villain or something bad happened to that character so it doesn’t count.” Because that’s what you’re doing.

I don’t care, the idea that Teldrassil was some engrossing horde moment is complete nonsense.


How was it not? There are literally Horde players that brag about it to this day.

Nathanos nearly killed Malfurion. Tyrande never got revenge. Sylvanas won an invasion. Not a Horde moment…but then SoO, where Horde and Alliance went in to get rid of Garrosh and make Vol’jin warchief, that’s supposedly a great Alliance moment lmao

Do you literally not understand the plot of BFA?


Ngl, I just want the Alliance to be classified as the villains for a proper expac. I mean, with the whole burning the tree and the Garrosh stuff – the Alliance should be the meanie heads for a while. Let the Horde be the traditional heroes!


Speaking of engrossing faction moments, I still remember how the in-game narrative experience for the Alliance was so abysmal they actually felt the need to outright say they’d get a fist pumping moment.
Which amounted to Varian basically saying “Be good or else”, lmao.


Here we go. It was bad so it doesn’t count as Horde in the spotlight…

So I’ll just say that about Anduin in SL and so on. When Alleria goes Void, I’ll just say doesn’t count as Alliance. Or Khadgar’s neutral doesn’t count. We’re all getting along now guys, doesn’t count as Alliance. That’s what you guys sound like lol

I will take that as a no.

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What does the plot that followed have to do with whether or not Horde was in the spotlight at that moment, dummy? Was it a story where Horde, led by Sylvanas, invaded and destroyed Teldrassil or not? Was it a pre-launch event or not?

It’s a good thing that everyone knows you’re a compulsive forum troll.


I would like to see more of that touted “grey and gray morality” the game was allegedly founded on. Back when the Horde were actually underdogs fighting to survive and the Alliance were bigoted and oppressive.


I thought we were done with factions though?