So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

The Draenei weren’t even half the leveling content and are virtually absent in patches


Everything in WoD was cut, but as a Horde player Yrel is certainly more prominent than Durotan, who disappears partway through.


The last time there was a Horde story it was just you guys continuing the trope of being mustache twirling villains.

Maybe its for the best that you guys dont get your own special storyline. Would hate to have to beat you in another war


I’m calling them the IAC from now on.

Intervening Azerothian Council or Important Alliance Characters? Yes.

wait what is wrong with your face :rofl:


Not gonna lie, I read that in Plinkett’s voice. And I too reiterate that question - what is wrong with your face???

Its my boomstick! Also ya Im proud of this pfp - makes me audibly laugh every time its noticed :slight_smile:


I honestly can’t take you seriously, if you’re going to sit and pretend Horde weren’t the center of attention in this game for a long time. I’ll take an Alliance villain all day and night if we can have an entire patch running around outside Stormwind like we did in the Barrens while a Horde leader plays chess with Wrathion for the entire expansion, then the next expansion have cinematics with Anduin roflstomping a villain like Thrall vs Garrosh, get a new unique race like Vulpera after that, and follow up with an Alliance character playing 4D chess like Sylvanas in SL, whose boyfriend nearly offed the strongest druid to ever live. Maybe a couple Alliance characters can duel in front of the SW gates and have high definition cinematics. Sign me up.

FWIW, the next expansion will be all Horde, all the time.

The smug Alliance players are the worst.

Let’s not forget that the Alliance playerbase, collectively, went begging on its hands and knees to Blizzard, PLEADING for cross-faction play. Alliance players claiming that they couldn’t even put a 5-man group together for M+, because the Alliance playerbase was that far gone.


Yes and look at it now… more Horde with WM off then on. Pvp forums with many posts about Horde losing most BGs.

Its a glorious day. Thank you Blizzard


Don’t forget, we had that big moment of watching alternate Velen die so his crazy daughter (niece?) could take over.

They might be confusing Argas in Legion with WoD.

There were more Alliance than Horde in PvP since WoD.

Never stopped Alliance players from lyin’ and cryin’ about how “outnumbered” they were.


The horde and alliance aren’t really part of the story atm. Some members and former members of both factions are involved in the story. Though TBPH I expected more thrall. This expansion is more character driven then faction driven.

Thrall didn’t arrive until the level 80 campaign. I think Gazlowe was the only Horde in Dalaran when it teleported.

I can’t take serious when you pretend the horde actually was, its again another alliance revisionism bs

Vanilla trough wrath it was a complete imbalance to quests in favor of the alliance and the alliance characters were the forefront of the thematic because the end content in vanilla was in easter kingdoms and with Arthas and Tiron in Wrath

Cataclysm was the time when they set things balanced, and even if y’all like to WHINE about Thrall taking the spotlight for once(something that Tirion did previous expansion and y’all didn’t complain), cataclysm was equally balanced with different campaigns, mirror quests, one entire zone and patch revolved around hyjal, malfurion and night elf druids.

Same way MOP was a close expansion, but in the end we got our leader to be Hitler, you and your bunch invade our capital, defeat him, sack our city and even get the tittle of conqueror

Spare me of your nonsense saying it is a horde expansion when all our characters either die or become villains, BFA wasn’t horde just because Saurfang show up in cinematic.

And in contrast, everything Legion, shadowlands, DF and now TWW were alliance centric, so you have no ground to stand on.

Alliance player at is finest:
Those expansions were horde!
Let us beat you again in another war!

Only their brains can rationalize that an expansion where they defeat the horde was a horde expansion, is amazing


They won’t be satisfied with anything less than Blizzard deleting the Horde from the game.

And then they’ll complain about that. “Blizzard never cared about the Alliance enough to delete US from the game!”


You know your avatar is made even funnier by your name for some reason.

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Funny hearing from the guy who’s 100% down with just deleting Alliance and rolling everyone into the Horde, lol.

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Talk about revision. This is where I stopped reading. You know Horde was part of that raid, right? That there was a whole patch and questline with Alliance helping Vol’jin recover from an assassination attempt that led to that raid? Remember all the dailies and events in the barrens?

I shouldn’t have gone back and read more. You must have the memory of a goldfish. Remember Sylvanas burning down Teldrassil, making the Night Elves homeless? The pre-patch was Horde crushing the Alliance ffs