So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

The reception of BFA at first was great, showing how people rly like factions and narratives related to then, the hype was high, lots of discussion and engagement, everyone was on board with it, until they start screwing things over with teldrassill

But still people were engaged in the faction conflict, people disliked the expansion overall because the systems and the gameplay AND the lame finale that they copied pandaria, making Sylvanus Garrosh 2.0;

So again, stop trying to gaslight people on the forum, its not going to work because we know what happened and how it happened


I mean i agree. I want more Horde representation. Magni risked losing everything to save the Earthen, Dagran is shaping up to get an earthen waifu, and Moira became buddy buddy with the Earthen high leadership, while Thrall just taught them the basics of shamanism. Very different vibes.

They definitely failed at making the sides feel equal here. I’m just curious how people would want it to be better.

Because my thought was making Baine the new speaker for azeroth as part of the questline, have Magni give up the power he came to resent and Baine take it up, in the way Cairne spoke for the Earthmothe. But multiple horde players hated the idea because they hate Baine. So i was curious what Horde players would want.


Could’ve sworn Gazlowe was in the final zone, then Thrall and another orc in the first part of the level 80 campaign, and now, where I just logged off, I had to go meet up with Lilian Voss…

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What I meant here is that you’re definitely still clinging to the idea that

“You will not only help reunify the scattered elven tribes of Azeroth, but you will make your stand with the forces of the light and banish the shadow forever.”

Means the typical expansion team-up (which would literally not be worthy of mention most of the time)

At this point, Blizzard needs to stop telling Alliance stories, and rebuild the Horde by telling Horde stories for the next 8 years.

But instead, all they want to do is continue to focus on the Alliance, and create more Alliance-ish characters.


Not everything needs to be horde centered lmao - get over yourself


Even the horde characters are shoehorned and token who should not even be there, and only are because blizzard saw the huge imbalance it was and how people would feel bad about it

Gazlowe? just substitute him for a gnome, Thrall? just take the wildhammer dwarf who is a shaman, Voss? any alliance rogue would make more sense.

Its bad, the entire expansion was based around the alliance with alliance thematic


I’m not there yet but I’m pretty sure this is weird sarcasm (also like other than DF and Legion I can’t really think of an expansion where horde rep was elf-dominated really; there’s like 3 named blood elves in the final zones and Naleidea has a bit part in delve side quests)

Don’t worry i’m sure your team will be around to mess things up as usual in a patch or two.

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Well, I endured WoD, so deal with it.

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No I did not say that. It’s just fighting back the void. It’s an expac about the void trying to take over Silvermoon. We don’t know when we’ll defeat the void. And void and shadow are different things.

Right. Never said it was more than that.

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So is an Alliance story to you not a story about the Alliance, but just any story of working together against a greater foe? If the leads for the first part of this expac were say, Rommath and Aethas, two blood elves, but they were explicitly working together with Alliance characters, would it be an alliance story to you?

What does a Horde story mean?

The Draenei expansion? We all had to endure it.


I wouldn’t put it past the developers/writers to make the Blood Elves, particularly Lor’themar, secondary to what ever roster of Alliance leaders they want to push on us.

Midnight needs to be Lor’themar and Thalyssra, fresh off their honeymoon, defending Quel’thalas. I want Lor’themar and Thalyssra on the key art, in the CG reveal trailer, in every cutscene, and given freshly updated character models.


Yes, the one with a bunch of orcs on the cover, that centered around orcs from beginning to end. And that was after MoP, where it was Garrosh all day and night with a Horde raid for 9 months. Like the final cinematic was the Horde picking a war chief and Alliance watching lmao


The what now? The draenei arc is over long before the first raid; hell Shattrath’s raid tier was cut.

Blizzard’s complete avoidance of the horde just shows their lack of any sort of decent writing that’s left at the company. It’s both laughable and pathetic really, but maybe this is a good thing, look at what their terrible writing did to Sylvanas, maybe it’s best they don’t touch anymore horde characters.


The expansion that half of it was Draenei and the Legion as well? who had two zones entirely related to botani and Aarakorka, who have nothing to do with the horde

tell me how much you suffered :frowning:

Villains to kill? ones that you didn’t help nor made quests with

oh, the pain

when i will get a night elf expansion where i kill then, instead of helping then like DF?

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“Oh no my team isn’t here actively causing problems and destroying societal progress!!! What am I gonna do?!?!”

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remember i game back and hopped in a bg, and wondered why a blood elf was on the enemy team. it was the beginning of the end when they made us play with paladins