So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

Is the Horde still a thing?

According to Data for Azeroth, the Horde still outnumber the Alliance.


Mainly, most Horde players just don’t want to see Alliance. If there were ZERO visible Alliance characters for the next 8 years, that would be heaven.

But Blizzard seems incapable of doing that, they just can’t help themselves.


Is the Vulpera racial leader cool? I know nothing about them. I have a Vulpera death knight but it was entirely made because ‘lol funny little fox of death’. I got barely any of the lore about them, since i only unlocked them post DF making it much quicker (same with every other horde allied race, since i quit playing my horde main in Cata, after they killed Cairne).

This isn’t what Metzen said, lol. He said they are just coming together to fight back the void. Nothing about an elf faction.


I mean this is never going to happen. Blizzard intends to give a unified story going forward, with the faction conflict being on the side.

So the story is always gonna feature at least some Alliance people. But who would you pick to be part of the stories from the Horde.

Like we have Moira and Magni for the earthen section. What two Horde characters would you want added into the Earthen storyline to better represent the characters you are interested in?

Alleria and Anduin take the forefront of the Hallowfell and Azj-Kahet. What Horde characters would you want to be part of that part of the story?

With what we have done so far in the story against Xalatath and her plans, or in helping rhe Earthen, who would you want to be along and doing more obvious work?

We are never gonna go back to ‘each faction has their own story’ because that runs into too many issues with retcons and stories going against each other and miscommunications. But i don’t think anyone (reasonable) would be opposed to there being more Horde presence in the story.

Not according to you.
You go on all the time about how there’s apparently no Horde story, after all, so clearly they can completely cut out characters representing the faction of half their player base if you’re to be believed.

How were Legion, BfA, Shadowlands, and Dragonflight “unified”?

Which Horde characters, in Legion, had anything close to the importance of Velen, Khadgar, Maiev, etc.?

Which Horde characters, in BfA, had anything close to the importance of Magni?

Which Horde characters, in Shadowlands, had anything close to the importance of Bolvar, his daughter (!!!), or Jaina?

Which Horde characters, in Dragonflight, had anything close to the importance of Tyrande?

It’s easy for Alliance players to talk about a “unified story”, but it’s all a bunch of crap, and just makes you look foolish.


Most horde players do not give a damn; this is basically true on both sides

He said “will help reunite the scattered elven tribes of Azeroth” (his words) in addition to the saving the world part. (I mostly assume this is Suramar 2.0 with maybe more TFT style interactions between the 3 nations but the idea that it’s just to fight the void sounds like cope)

Cool, so you don’t actually intend to interact on good faith at all (though this can be surmised by you using a forum alt, rather than posting on your supposed horde main).

When you actually can post what you’d like the story to do besides 'split the content in half" please do so.

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This is my main.

If you want to get into Blizzard forcing people to play Dwarf or Night Elf for high-end content, we can talk about that too. Is that really where you want to go, though?


Horde campaign just about elves.
Thats the horde now. With Vulpera added in as an additive.

Alliance players tend to scream the loudest and get the most worms in the birds nest…


I don’t know but without anyone in the story at all why would the Earthen even consider joining the Horde? The story as it is makes zero sense- Thrall gave one storm rider 3 minutes of cheerleading and half of the entire race sides with us?

After the alliance dwarves solved every societal problem they had and saved the entire sleeping population?


Only without the Elisande insults I’m guessing. :rofl:

So we’re just going to ignore the fact that both factions arrived in full force to support the various native forces in their efforts against Xal’atath.

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I love this revisionist narrative you people spout, saying people were upset with BfA because it was a faction war and not because it was Garrosh retread which no one liked the first time around either.

People wanted a faction war where both sides had legitimate grievances they could settle on the battlefield. Not another civil war plot that humiliates the Horde and the Alliance has to take a backseat to.


Not to mention that the main storyline in BfA was around Magni and Azeroth’s woons.

They dropped the faction side-story halfway through the expansion.


Yeah the premature abortion of the war absolutely did not help.

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And the second half was decisively Alliance-centric.

Wrathion goes to Stormwind to tell the Important Alliance Characters what’s going on.

Horde, meanwhile, gets an NPC that visits Zandalar so you can watch the same cutscene of Wrathion going to Stormwind to tell the Important Alliance Charcters what’s going on.