It’s really disgusting that they ignored the Horde this expac after making them villains.
He not that kind of orc.
Bringing the factions together was a business move above all else.
Cutting costs.
For every thread complaining about muh Horde rep, Blizzard retools a future quest that would’ve included a Horde character, into an Alliance character.
Hopefully they make enough that I get to see Lieutenant “Foxy” Topper and read more of her delightful cockney slang.
That doesn’t count because… because… because it just doesn’t okay!? If I don’t get 3 fully rendered cutscenes of Saurfang every expansion, it’s Alliance bias!!!
No it isn’t lol, the reception to BFA tells us how people REALLY feel about the factions at this point, most players do not care for them.
That’s primarily because the factions serve zero purpose to us as a player so why should we be invested in them.
I think the horde are suffering from quite a few things. One of them is just not having any notable lore characters really left. The Alliance have only lost Varian and now Khadgar if you count him, but Anduin has actually been in the game longer than him.
Meanwhile the Horde has slowly bled its leaders for years. It hasn’t been a sudden shift to the Horde having no leaders; it started in literally Wrath with Thrall leaving, and just continued from there. Leaving them where they stand now.
Cairne, leader of the Tauren, died between Wrath and Cataclysm in a book. Got replaced with the much less popular/widely hated Baine. RIP my favorite WC3 character and reason i once mained a Tauren.
Garrosh, leader of orcs, had his character die in MoP and then his body in WoD. This got him replaced with Saurfang, a character everyone liked. And then he got killed.
And then Thrall became orc leader again, but… Everyone horde side hates thrall and calls him a race traitor/basically Alliance.
Vol Jin, leader of Trolls died in Legion, got replaced by… Rokhan? Who? Is this a character who actually existed and mattered before Legion, because i genuinely dont remember him.
Sylvannas, leader of the Undead, was hated for years before finally turning against the horde and being killed. Replaced by… Calia? Who no one likes/ everyone views as Alliance.
This literally only leaves Lor’themar and Gazlowe for racial leaders who have personality and relevance that people actually seem to like or care for.
And i guess Ji but does anyone count the Pandaren for either side?
So the problem is twofold: they’ve killed off all the old characters people liked, and everyone has hated every new character theyve introduced for the Horde.
The Alliance just have more characters that people immediately recognize who haven’t been killed in the past.
They should have killed off Magni. The fact that they invalidated his sacrifice instantly was so lame.
The horde’s been buck broken. Good luck ever going back to the savage “For The Horde” days. Come to think of it, when’s the last time you’ve thought, “eff yea, for the horde!”?
Sometimes they make the horde rep an elf because it gets the true horde whiners going almost as much
Literally never.
I think most Horde players I’ve met like Lor’themar even if they hate on blood elf players.
Heck, i like Lor’themar. I think he should appear more often.
The true red horde players have started to put him in the same basket of “fake horde characters” as Baine (also it was kind of a joke on how some of the whiners saw the dragonscale expedition as elves and friends for horde rather than realtm horde rep)
I believe Horde will come up in Midnight… probably under some kinda siege of Silvermoon where we have to kill alot of blood elves. Which will be kinda crazy as that just leaves Mul’gor the only Horde city to not be under siege lol
A genuine question for Horde mains; what Horde characters would you like to see more of? Who do you want to appear and would make you excited?
We hate Thrall, we hate Baine, we hate Calia, we apparently hate Lor’themar, do we like Rokhan? Is he secretly cool?
Is there some secretly really cool Allied Race leader?
They killed all the cool Horde leaders. I don’t know what my fellow hordies expect. It would be funny if they made the Vulpera guy a main character lmao
The horde story takes place in the next expansion with the return to Silvermoon City with the reuniting of All the elf races into one major faction. Also, this is at the same time the rings of power will be forged and passed around.
I can guarantee all the Alliance Human Heroes will hijack the storyline, fact is Blizzard have lost the ability to write a Horde storyline.
Gazlowe is already in the final zone of questing. Would be nice if he gets a bigger role though.
It’s cheating because I’m a horde main in the same way I’m an ally main in expansions where I mostly played an ally toon but while I don’t really share in the whining, I do hope delve companions rotate with some of the dragonscale expedition cast during the seasons (including the horde side guys like the undead archaeology leader, Naleidea taking a more active role, stuff like that; I’m not sure which side the Panda shaman lady was and frankly I don’t care but she could also be one that gets added in the rotation)
Yeah I hope its not just Brann for the whole expansion. It would be really weird to introduce Delves and delve companions and then… only have one.
Let me party with a variety of people!