So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

Pandaren and blood elves are Horde too. You don’t need to be one of the OG 3 to be valid.


oh no he got out of his forum again.

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People care about the story? lol

Alot of people do. Yes. And so far the Horde seems to be excluded from it just like in Legion, Shadowlands and Dragonflight.


This is true, agenda devs killed horde, theres no horde anymore because orcs can’t be masculine, refute me if you can


If you say so.

You forget Pandarian exist. You can make a toon and get to max level without ever picking a faction. :wink:

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Funny , I see more crying about your King,Prince, towel boy whatever Wahnduin is these days

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Who cares about Cryduin? I sure don’t.


Painfully and very slowly. But I’ll concede that.

Technically even then you do choose a faction on the character screen. Pandaren are just listed in both.


I think Pandaren now have to technically pick faction at character creation; but you can still dodge the formal joining of factions.

Also part of the issue with people asking for a “faction campaign” is they want to hear their faction tabard is still cool so they’ll still be whining on the board if it’s like a story arc where a character from their faction is the lead if they have to see the other color. We’re getting unity campaigns.

They’re the player version of Turalyon going “the peace is fragile, now where are my damn slippers” like an increasingly senile grandpa while the peace has never been more solid (he’s going to be doing this while Shandris, Thalyssra and Lor’themar are literally breaking bread in Midnight, I bet).

It isn’t when the cast is 100% alliance leaders.


We quest with Lillian Voss


You do realize the majority of WoW has been completely centered around the Horde right? Nearly every single story beat happened because of a Horde character. The Alliance were just there to react to what the Horde did. It’s okay for Legion and TWW to be Alliance focused.

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We also interact with the leader of the Mag’har, and Thrall works alongside Kurdran and ourselves in the Stormrook quests during which both factions arrive in visible force.


Faction war doesen’t count

For The Hordlliance!

Thats for sure will happen, for year the hunged alliance elves want to rob stuff from the blood elves, so a city is on their list, Silvermoon is def going to be neutral

No, thats bad

Very funny, but the draeneis literally brought the demons with then to the planet, if they didn’t fall there the planet would be safe of it

Yeah dude, Wrath of the Lich king and the Lich king are totally HORDE focused and happen because the horde

I said this before, but you guys need a bit more of self awareness before trying to gaslight people here in the forum, you can’t make absurd statements like that and assume people will eat it


That’s fine. I like him. Kindred spirit.

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Darn tootin’. We won.

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