So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

No sir. The factions are very much still there and these are just a group of HEROS banded together without factions knowledge to go commit war crimes, much like we’ve had for several past expacs.

The Horde doesn’t exist because Blizzard has parked the hero plot to 100% on the alliance only. The red team has only the faction war when the alliance needs an extra villain they can defeat.


So you admit alliance bias is infact a real thing and all alliance palyers profit from it with their blue privilige.


No it isn’t. It is stll there. And only the alliance gets anything from it.

No. Since 60% of all elves are alliance and Metzen said it will be the expansion about elven reunification.

Funny to say when all characters are either night elves or humans

This has to be the biggest insult Blizzard ever did considering they weren’t too lazy of creating Arakko and Ogre names for it too.


Nah, there is no bias because they did away with the faction divide.

The “Alliance” has more than just those two races you know. Sounds like you claiming that there is some sort of “bias” based off two races, is nothing but your opinion.

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They are the two main races of the alliance yes.

There is a faction divide. Last time I checked guards will still attack you when you try to enter Orgrimmar. Also look at character creation screen. You are full of lies.

I always laugh when alliance fans say we shouldn’t care about the faction divide when THEIR SIDE profits from it all the time because Blizzard loves to exclude the Horde on a meta level.


Odd, i go in Orgrimmar and the guards don’t attack me, i have even killed players in there and did not get attacked by the guards :D. I guess it helps that the horde is too poor to station more of them there, but that is beside the point.

I am no FAN of either side. I simply don’t care enough to cry about “favoritism” on the forums.


Whats a Horde? Must be some sort of insect that needs to be squished seeing as everyone is crying about it.


No this is something that kepps happening since Legion. Blizzard ignores thee xistence of 50% of all players when the story isn’t faction war.

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A part around a Horde city is not Horde enough, then what is?

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OP, you see what you did? You triggered the Erevien summon spell.


I think you’re overestimating the horde player base, if it had that much, they would cater to it.

Do you happen to know the spell to reseal them back in their magic orb.

Anyone can summon Erevien all you got to do is say “Horde Bias” and he will be there in a flash. Oh whoops Guess I said it.


You’re going to make him pop a blood vessel.

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We do have that much. Problem is all our characters are dead and the new ones never get screentime enough to have them grow.


So just revive at the soul healer sheesh.


Sure is a lot of people saying factions don’t exist in a game where you can’t do a single thing, even make a character, until you’ve picked a faction. :slight_smile:


I’m somewhat hoping they do expand the delves cast through the seasons with dragonscale expedition characters fwiw (Naleidea is already on-site to introduce the content; there’d be a lot of funny idiosyncracies they could do with these characters and they’re conveniently 50/50 on the technical faction rep so hopefully they would shut that complaint down a bit)

Just take the intro of the story for example. There are 3 Horde and 10 alliance leaders on the scene. This is on purpose.

Blizzard has zero respect for the Horde and it shows.


I really can’t take these Horde is MIA threads seriously when not posted by an OG member race.