So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

That had nothing to do with faction quest fairness. More to do with the velfs being added as a playable race, cause the Horde had to get something, right? Well, they got Horde nelfs, something that they didn’t ask for, just so the Alliance can get their hands on the Velf model.

If these people in the Alliance who are still obsessed with belfs to the degree that now they are thinking they are gonna take over the belf racial city, if these people didn’t go nuts over the belfs, I think that Suramar stuff would have ended differently.

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It retroactively made that entire massive, multi-month quest chain into a Horde quest line.

Same with Highmountain.

It really didn’t. The only reason it did is a bunch of highborne rpers who really really hate being reminded that they’re almost literally the same people as blood elves.

It did. And this was also at a time when the Horde was committing actual genocide against the night elves and burning their tree down, but both the Nightfallen and Highmountain Tauren are like “sure, we’ll join you to be ‘another arrow in your quiver,’ Sylvanas.”

Some of the worst writing and most ridiculous decision making in the history of the game, tbh. Gameplay mechanics and faction balance wise, sure. But story wise, that was legitimately insane.

Nightborne were literally telegraphed to join the horde before they were even set on the story of BFA.

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No, it didn’t. The Horde and the Alliance were part of the liberation front for Suramar. Whatever you decided to believe, it was a mixed effort from both sides, visually expressed in the quest lines. And at the end of it, that city is still as Hostile as before. They just got their new race and nothing else.

Now let’s look at the nelf city. There’s no Horde presence outside some lone NPCs. We have a quest line spanning two expansions that ends in a new city for the nelfs who lost their city, yes. But the Forsaken also lost their city. Where was their city rebuilding quest, in fact where is their new city? Oh, nowhere you say? Then let’s not talk about quest fairness, then.


I say we give the Horde the dark iron dwarves and take their elves. Fair trade?

Gosh, if only there were some way for the system to accommodate a race that isn’t strictly bound to one faction or another as a whole.
Like, a race that gets to choose whether it joins the Alliance or the Horde.
Shame the tech isn’t there yet to do such a thing.

There is no horde presence except for the horde presence, truly amazing description (yes I know Hamuul is functionally neutral but that doesn’t change how the faction brained players on one side see him)

They had basically sworn they wouldn’t do another Pandaren and it took BFA being a complete disaster for them to go back to doing neutral races.

Also you want the faction system to stay so calling for neutral races is fundamentally meaningless. You do not want a game where neutral races can exist meaningfully.

Still hilarious that the Horde got ONE pretty race and the Alliance has been throwing a tantrum over it for 17 years.


In the Alliance defence the Draenei had yet to join the Alliance when they named the planet.

Yeah, there is no Horde presence outside a few npcs . We were making a comparison between two quest lines, so if you are gonna inset yourself in this discussion, maybe read what’s being discussed.


If you wanted a third faction elves as a bloc are like about a third of characters and roughly equal on both sides in total numbers, funnily enough.

Not at all.

While I comment on this frequently, it’s only because:

  1. The Orc member of Dragonflight Expedition never did anything. No world quests to give out, nothing to do with the plot, nothing at all.
  2. The only Horde members of the Dragonflight Expedition that ever did anything were the elves. Presumably because they’re “acceptable” to Alliance players.

I’d like to do to Toddy McWhiskers whatever Gul’dan did to Varian. Can’t stand that character.


Horde: has something

Alliance players: “I want that.”


I like the Blood Elves and their lore. I like how their presence in the Horde is a cool subversion of expectations. I like Silvermoon it looks dope. I love swimming in the pool of Alliance tears.
I DON’T like the people who see all the cool races of the Horde and choose to play the barbie doll race. Especially because they usually get… weird about it.

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The BC-era lore of the Blood Elves fit with the Horde just fine. There’s nothing wrong with Blood Elves in the Horde.

People who complain about it are few in number, and ridiculous.

They remind me of the Horde guilds in vanilla that wouldn’t accept Undead characters. There are no words to describe the level of ridiculousness.


Speaking of. I dearly miss the characterization of Blood Elves as a desperate people constantly having to make dark choices for their continued survival. The writers kind of just slowly forgot about that.

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A guy I knew at Blizzard at the time explained it to me like this:

Alliance Paladins believe they should serve the light.
Blood Elf Paladins believe the light should serve them.


Thinking about how weird vanilla players were reminded me of this.

From 18 years ago!

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