So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

Personally, I don’t mind the arc of the Blood Elves learning that enslaving a Naaru may not be the best way forward. I just wish that didn’t mean the end of Blood Elf sketchy-ness.

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I don’t know that it did, Blood Elves got a really solid storyline in MoP.

Sylvanas: I can raise your dead, Regent-Lord. Your rangers can fight again.
Lor’themar: Sylvanas! You will leave our corpses alone, or I will deal with you here and now.
Sylvanas: I’m sorry to see your lack of commitment… What of the human corpses?
Lor’themar: … well, I suppose that’s between you and the Alliance, isn’t it?

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Like I said, I don’t see an alliance campaign there. Anduin abandoned the throne and is not representing SW/alliance. Alleria is on a revenge trip like a certain night elf leader a while back in SL did, and Moira…is just there.

God I miss Lor’themar being spiteful towards the Alliance.


Lor’themar was only ever spiteful towards humans (and human adjacent people like Gilnean Worgen) and still tried to jump ship minutes before

I will dare to dream that zone gets revamped someday.

changed? so we don’t get more options? lmao

There was massive reorganization at Blizzard.
I think it is just and am happy to eat the inconvenience.

you tipped your hand, mevanou.
why’d you swap alts?
to try to give credence to the idea that multiple people agree with your insane theories?

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That doesn’t turn off the talking head. It just keeps it from being movable in Edit Mode.

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I absolutely hate how Jaina acts like my BFF…

#PurgeOfDalaran - Never Forget! :smile:


You have at minimum 3 posting alts in SF and also note that I don’t go around liking my own posts or responding to myself.

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I don’t either, so I mean.

But also, your idea is insane.
“They planned for the nightborne to be horde from the beginning. That’s why they didn’t have useable player models out the gate like the harronir do.”

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I did not say from the beginning, I did say they telegraphed them as a horde race before the announcements were done for ARs; Nightborne tourists weren’t put in Alliance cities.

I know right? A game based on Orcs vs Humans is now Friendship is Magic. It’s parody of a parody. Blizzard actually turned their game about war into Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Friends with spiders, friends with horde, friends with everyone and no NPCs to follow with any gravitas. Just mopey Andy and 2 dimensional Boralleria. Thrall comes back at the end of the campaign and literally does nothing.

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I have no idea, the companion is seasonal apparently all I got. I don’t really notice brann is even there as it is unless he’s screaming at me about picking something up.

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I really enjoyed the campaign but I do not understand people trying to say it’s not Alliance-centric.

  • Earthen are derived from Dwarves.
  • Arathi are visibly human in two varieties with some having pointy ears.
  • Arathi are derived from the Scarlet Crusade.
  • Dornogal heavily echoes Loch Modan.
  • Ringing Deeps echoes Shadowforge City.
  • Hallowfall echoes Arathi.
  • Titans are a core Alliance story beat, involved in the backstory of dwarves and gnomes and for some reason humans. They are completely separate from all the races of the Horde.
  • The non-Earthen key story figures are dwarves, human paladins, a retired Alliance hero married to the High Commander of the Alliance, and … spiders who are not the Horde at all but maybe some patterning off the Forsaken (who aren’t really corest of Horde to begin with).
  • The Haronir do lean more towards trolls than night elves which is cool but they’re barely seen.

I think it was a great idea to lean so heavily into dwarves and the Arathi Empire is a great long term idea. I can see why we got so much Alliance theme focus – but we really need something that spotlights Tauren, Orcs, Trolls soon and in large quantity.

I’m not interested in score-counting prior expansions because most of those were a mess that just made everyone angry on both sides for different reasons. However, DF and this Worldsoul Saga so far are too much Alliance-tilted imo and Horde deserves attention.


A game based on Warcraft 3 now remembers the story of Warcraft 3.


Last I checked, we’re still at war, just with different people/entities.

We’re allied with some of them currently. We have no guarantee that they will remain in alignment with us in the future, and we’re massacring other spiders wholesale with their help.

The story inevitably was going to end up with the factions either forcibly merged or begrudgingly working together.

Dunno about that one, chief.

This is one of the things that concrens me the most. What happened to the leaders who would hype us up with promises of blood and glory? Why aren’t we allowed to have fun anymore?

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