So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

Next faction war starts when a goblin slips on a banana peel and lands on the button that fires the cannon.

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You work with both Gazlowe and Lillian Voss, and meet up with/rescue several other Horde characters during your travels.

Given that weā€™ve mainly been working with the Earthen and Nerubians with brief interludes from Alleria (whoā€™s not quite Alliance as he son lives in Silvermoon) and, occasionally, Anduin, Iā€™m wondering what you think the ā€œHorde Campaignā€ would look like?

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Thereā€™s a giant mf-ing statue of her towering over the gates of Stormwind. Thatā€™s not neutral.


We could have had King Rastakhan but no Blizzard had to kill him off and give them reigns to his goofy daughter who does nothing. Dude was THE troll.


Thereā€™s also one of Khadgar, and he is.

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Ngl I love her and glad to have her get some screentime. Catas story wasā€¦ mixed for me but Lillian was a highlight.


I see people still canā€™t understand the basic concept that faction conflict/divide is not about ā€œwarg warg faction war!ā€ all the time, and we still can have two different stoylines/campaigns cast of characters in times of peace or no faction war, just like in wod and vanilla, TBC and Wrath.


Seems pretty self explanatory.

Weā€™re all magical friends now.

Queen Talaji.

Anyways I also like Lillian Voss for Forsaken also lady Ladrin for the core races.

We should trash and piss all over stormwind and then make the alliance clean it up. Show em how the people really feel. Thrall aint my dad.

Well we all know how the story ends anyways, humans, draenei and the silithids become the top dog of the universe and are in constant conflict.

Humans, zerg and protoss.

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While I see a lot of petty complaints about ā€œfavoritismā€ towards the Alliance these days, I think the complaints about the campaign feeling neglectful to Horde players are valid. I say this as someone who mains characters in both factions. It isnā€™t that the Horde needs its own campaign, itā€™s that if Blizzard insists on neutral campaigns, they need to make sure thereā€™s equal representation for both factions.

Part of the problem is the Horde is depleted character wise, but as Faerin has proven, Blizzard is capable of introducing brand new characters and developing them. Thereā€™s no reason they canā€™t develop Baine, Rokhan, etc.


Okay, how did YOU solo tank Mythic Sark?

Oh wait, you never even fought him, thatā€™s right.

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Blizzard created a bunch of new Horde characters in BfA.

And then killed them all.

Because thatā€™s what Blizzard does.


At least Talanjiā€™s fun to be around sometimes. I feel bad for the worgen and night elves getting stuck with Tess and Shandris respectively. Oh and Baine is such a wretched character that I stopped maining my tauren because I was sick of being associated with that cretin.

I liked her better in Cata and MoP when she was a lone wolf barely associated with the Forsaken or the Horde. BfA irreversibly ruined her for me.

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there is supposedly rumor of a goblin patch but that could honestly mean anything at this point. I mean just because itā€™s goblins doesnā€™t mean itā€™s horde as there are factions of goblins who donā€™t associate with us, like the goblins of booty bay or Ratchet

Iā€™m just worried theyā€™re going to bring back Gallywix just to kill him.
Iā€™m still not done being mad about how Danuser wrote him out of the story because he wasnā€™t bland enough for the Horde Council.

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yeah there is a good chance weā€™ll be killing goblins more than anything else, I mean they may put Gazlowe in a good light but thereā€™s a chance weā€™ll be fighting an evil goblin group. I donā€™t think weā€™ll see Gallywix but I just kinda figure heā€™s retired right now

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The only way Iā€™d ever accept a Gallwix return is him saving us all by firing the Bilgewater Cannon at the big bad and saving Azeroth and we all build a giant golden statue of him in every city to honor him.