So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

Again, ignoring the thematic and aesthetic including their worship of the holy light of the hallowfall arathi and the stormwind kingdom who descendant from the arathi are the same :slight_smile:

But sure, call comparing those close and similar groups with the same aesthetic and thematic being “dishonest”

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I’ll never understand why people are so proud of skipping the entire story. You’ve successfully deprived yourself of a huge chunk of content, congratulations. Great job.

I never understood why people care what others do in the video game, like skipping the story.

Doesn’t affect me in the slightest.

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You’ll get it as soon as Worgen get optional tails. Goodluck on that wait. :wink:

Also did the horde forget in BFA they got a unique story line where they got a choice of who to follow? (In before the choice didn’t matter complaining) But the fact of the matter is you still got a unique choice of quests to do. Do you think my Worgen is happy the horde destroyed her home twice and now Gilneas is an open hub where the horde get a flight path to it yet alliance don’t have one at all? Cry me a river but you will get no pity from me.

It was a single dialogue option that didn’t affect the story at all.

And the BfA side story wasn’t unique, it was a rerun of Garrosh.


Told you in before the boo hoos. Behold the field which I grow my cares! Thou shalt lay thine eyes apon it and note it is barren. The irony of you playing a dwarf and hating the Alliance 24/7 is just too funny in my book Brewa. May you step on Legos every time you have a nasty thought about the Alliance.


Some of them are less “boo hoo” and more “REEEEEEEEEE”.

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What is this horde you speak of? Are we getting a new faction option!? When!?

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Rumor has it they live in mud huts and like to say zug zug.

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you didnt get the memo, thrall is a man? hes a human in orcish grab! yeah baby yeah

Or he is just not biased by factions maybe? weird right, some people are like that and can see whats going on :confused:

No, he’s definitely biased.
He only plays Dwarf for the racial, and he absolutely hates it.


Can I give 500 likes? This… THIS!!! Brewa is well known for hating the race they play but telling everyone they are forced to due to the racials. No one is forcing anyone to play any race. Im playing an Arm warrior right now that a Worgen and according to every website its a pure DPS loss to play Worgen. Frankly I dont care Im going to play what I want to play and when someone else pays for my account they can tell me what to play. Playing a race you hate for the racials is… well I can promse you Brewa isn’t having fun with the game and that is a shame as thats the point of a game you should be able to have fun with it. (In before Earthen should have gotten stoneform, fireblood)

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That’s pure idiocy.

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Obviously it’s karma and the right punishment for such resentment.

I see people are still clinging to the faction wars like it’s the only way. Heaven forbid we have peace and growth. Go play classic.

You’re wrong, but that’s understandable since you willingly chose the losing faction.

Unless you count Aethas. Some do, I don’t. I’ve had a hard time considering him Horde ever since he went back to his Kirin Tor abusers and let them gaslight him into thinking he’s the one who owes Jaina an apology and not the other way around.

You spending all this time going on about how factions don’t matter then later showing your Alliance pride. Clearly it actually does mean something to you after all.

Classic took place during peacetime though. Wrath Cata MoP and BfA are the only expansions where the Alliance and Horde are in open war with each other.


Ill have some of what this guy is on… goto be some good stuff.

what canon~ blizzard probably.