So is the Horde campaign gonna come later or?

The gnashing of teeth when it’s Org and Stormwind’s turn to become sanctuaries will be out of this world.

wait, you can do that? I don’t need a mod or something?

why even bother with clothes? Aren’t they basically machines?

I imagine they developed a personality to wear em after many things. Like seeing other keepers wear em, or seeing arathi wear pants

This is bs when we are doing most questing with Dagran, Alleria and Anduin showing up.


Yeah like the story right now isn’t stale, when its just copying shadowlands and older stuff, while banging together to face a bigger enemy

not stale, not done before, at all

It doesn’t, actually, its clear how out of place he is there, Thrall well know for riding gryphons ma i right? that is clearly a quest for the wildhammer dwarves - the actual gryphon riders - to teach the rock dwarves, but alas.

and nothing spell more horde than nightborne and blood elves, ykes, but even, rest assure the alliance elves will be everywhere


The war between the Alliance and the Horde ended more than five years ago in-universe; give it up already.

Dude, stop equating “Horde players want to do Horde-themed quests with Horde characters” with “faction war”.

Horde content is THE ABSENCE OF THE ALLIANCE. It isn’t dependent on fighting the Alliance.

I know that Alliance players are arrogant and self-centered, and think that every Horde player sits there all day long just DREAMING of seeing Alliance all the time, but that’s not the case.

Nobody give a crap about you or your Alliance. That’s why we want to have it stop being shoved in our faces 24/7 by Blizzard.


I never mentioned war. We are talking about quests.


The horde council is now in committee hell. Its not that they aren’t showing up.

Its more they are in meetings. About prior meetings. to discuss the scheduling for a future meeting. To address the meeting they are in now.

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I haven’t done an Alliance-themed quest this expansion, so stop conflating The War Within campaign with an Alliance one.

I have yet to do an Alliance quest this expansion.

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Then you missed all the ones for Dagran, Alleria and Anduin.


You couldn’t do those as a Horde character?

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That’s not the problem. The problem is we want to do quests with our own NPCs.


I did quests with Thrall and Aethas. Did you? Again, this is a completely non-issue but thank you for all of the free entertainment and drinks. Cheers. Stay a classic, bloodthirsty, red-is-dead stereotypical Horde player.

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Lets see, sylvanas, garrosh, thrall… Yall had a LOT… Where was sunwell located again? Instead yalls horde leaders keep going off the rails. However, did you not know? You’re going to have to pay another 50$ for the 2nd part of the 3 in one xpac.

If this ends up being the case. I am quitting and guild disbanding a 900 member guild immediately. The next part of the xpac has to do with silvermoon. So it will be interesting how this comes to be.

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You mean the one with Aethas that is a side quest? And the couple with Thrall? Yeah they totally dominate the story of the expac lol!

Still not talking about war. I’m not sure if you are just playing dumb or what is going on here.

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Speaking of Goblins, weren’t we told that we’re going to get to fire that Cannon in Azshara?

I’m still waiting to fire it…

At Stormwind.

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It would actually be funny if this was a bug and horde players have been doing the alliance campaign. Based on how the auction house, crafting orders, and general server stability has been since launch… it wouldn’t be that crazy.


Goblins forget things.

Like how to make super catapults. they made some super duper ones to hit the tree in BFA prelude.

Then forgot how to remake them after.

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