So is 3:1 alliance:horde the typical Ashenvale "pvp" experience?

Ive literally lost once out of probably 25 ashenvales as horde on crusader strike pvp.

Ashenvale isn’t balanced on PvP servers either. You’re often massively outnumbered in Ashenvale on Living Flame. Though I’ve also been in a layer where we outnumbered them and do the event without them doing anything.

Basically even on PvP servers they don’t seem to attempt to faction-balance just within Ashenvale itself. They need to shard Ashenvale separately and faction balance the zone if they want it to be a WPvP zone.

This is also why War Mode would have been better for this. The event could have been War Mode only and then the people questing or standing around waiting for BFD groups would all be War Mode off and the people doing the event would be there with War Mode on and it would have made it easier to faction balance the event around people in the zone actually there to do the event.

I see you cut off the rest of my quote. The factions may be equal, but that doesn’t mean interest in the event is. This reminds me of when Warmode was added in BfA. The PVP oriented players were Horde, so they had no problem with turning on Warmode. The PVE oriented players were Alliance, so they were less inclined to turn on Warmode. Blizzard ultimately had to bribe Alliance to turn it on by offering a weekly quest for killing 25 Horde in BfA zones with Warmode on that awarded a piece of arena quality gear. Maybe Blizzard needs to do the same with Horde in SoD.

There’s no way there’s this much of a difference and it’s just horde having more of a PvE proclivity. That doesn’t create 3:1. Human beings don’t work that way.

Also, from what I understand 60/40 is their threshold to cut off character creation and character creation has been cut off. I imagine it is much worse than 60/40.

It was like that on Retail for years. PVPers rolled Horde, PVEers rolled Alliance. The forums were full of Alliance complaining about always getting rolled by Horde in BGs.

Or the developers can quit pretending that sticking everything on the Alliance side of the game isn’t an issue.


Living Flame Us is worse. Most events alliance is killing all 3 bosses at once cause they have so many players and horde struggles to kill one. Typical blizzard trash. Dont worry, they locked the server for alliance after its a 5:1 ratio. Like anyone would roll horde.

This is correct. Last night I was in a bugged Ashenvale, the alliance didn’t get credit for one of the mini boss kills so couldn’t finish the game. They all ended up turtling at the moonwell. When you see how many alliance were in that zone, you will fall off your chair. A literal sea. 5:1 easily. I just stayed as a ghost, recording a video, so I could go in and out observing just how many there were vs horde.

It was comical. Even if you tripled the horde numbers there, it still wouldn’t even be close.

You cannot tell me that the populations are within any reasonable range.


They will never be in a reasonable range unless the devs actually balance the factions. Literally everything in every aspect of the game favors alliance and they keep making it even more favored with every change they make. It’s kind of comical.


I mean yeah. I made a thread before SoD launch predicting exactly this. This is because of blizzard’s choice to give alliance windfury. There’s nothing else that needs to be said. Everyone and their mother was going to roll alliance. There wasn’t much other reason to roll horde besides windfury.

So none of this was difficult to anticipate.


I hope the BGs use the same system get moved to a another layer in the middle of the match and then lose cause its over run with the other faction great system

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Not everyone gets the easy mode or one-shot class like alliance


This was never going to be any different for two reasons:

  1. This is a timed event. A terrible design feature for PvP.

  2. The PvP event focuses on killing PvE bosses.

These are the same two mistakes Blizzard continues to make, over and over and over. No world PvP that includes these two features will be successful.

oh nice, i was thinking of rolling on shadowstrike but was worried since in classic the servers were incredibly horde bias. now i will roll alliance and have the advantage in wpvp for a change!

With the obvious interest in Paladins going into this, it may have been beneficial to have Belves and Draenei, with Pals and Shams available to both factions.

People always say that Horde has the better pvp racials, so that will even participation out in pvp, but the Horde racials are only really that much better in unorganized/solo pvp.

Chaos bolt NA has the same issue. We have been able to consistently down 1 boss before the event ends so yay 600 rep i guess. There was an unbroken line of alliance on the road between the first and second boss. Saw it as i was flying over. Easily 400+ people versus 80. Chaos bolt needs to get merged into CS at this point or something. Horde is completely shut out.


As it turns out, no world PVP event will work unless they figure out how to faction limit within layers so odds are even. And if one layer doesn’t have enough of one faction, then no more of the larger faction can enter the layer, and the event will not start until enough of the smaller faction have arrived.

Because of the super lopsidedness, this will end up creating several layers with only alliance on them. Which might facilitate a lot of them to start rolling horde. So go with it.

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Yes, but all this presupposes “events”, which is where I think they are fundamentally going wrong.

Just set up a PvP zone and let people PvP in there non-stop 24/7. Stop having timed events that funnel people to a specific place at a specific time.

If people want to PvP, then they will. The people attracted to the “event” aren’t really there to PvP. They are there to gain rep to ultimately gain gear.

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Straight up open race changes to horde so people dont even need to reroll. Make it work blizz.


Target rich environment. Make them bow down to the horde!