So is 3:1 alliance:horde the typical Ashenvale "pvp" experience?

sounds like you need to go do your homework because only a child would post something so stupid

I don’t think I’ve seen Horde win a single one.

Alliance are just too numerous.

Horde needs serious morale boost if PvP isn’t gonna die, and fast.

I’m Horde on a priest and I’m tired of getting utterly steamrolled by Paladins.

Ret is stupid strong.

My only defense against them is Psychic Scream which is usually Fear Warded by a Dwarf Priest, guess I’ll just die.

Legit just alt+F4’d to play something else last night because of the umpteenth Alliance Ashenvale raid group camping me, with no Horde to be seen, let alone help.

Mark my words, Horde headed for extinction already on PvP servers. It’s not fun.

Why would many people be interested in pvping on horde against a blatantly broken faction with favoritism in every aspect of the game.

Just now the same thing happened on Wild Growth EU again. Alliance had an entire raid at every single base and an additional 100 people at the boss. 1 minute after the last base fell, the boss was dead.

You can give me this “alliance is so much more organized” all you want, but the reality is that horde does not have the numbers to pull this off. We couldn’t even put a raid at every base, and yet alliance had over 100 players just camping at boss. This is just ridiculous.

As per Blizzard, the balance on every server is within a couple percent of each other. Sounds like Horde just aren’t doing the event.

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Why would you get invested in pvp against busted paladins? The game is designed like a joke so people treat it as such. Maybe if the paladin lead dev pulls his head out and balances the game instead of favoring himself people will engage with it.

Yes is the answer. More people play alliance and it’s almost always like this on a PvE server.

This was also highlighted many times leading up to SoD release. Anyone who wanted to participate in open world PvP would need to go to a PvP server. Otherwise it will just be alliance farming the open world bosses in Ashenvale.

So many salty alliance lol.

Or just go to a PvP server where the factions are balanced and people care about doing PvP more… because it’s a PvP server… made with the specific intent of balanced factions in PvP. But you choose a PvE server, which if you queue into WSG that’s always a 10v10 game mode and very easy to farm rep reliably.

Lone Wolf server constantly has horde winning Ashenvale… Sounds like you just picked a bad server. Instead of losing 44 battlegrounds that take over a half hour each you could switch to Lone Wolf server and level a fresh character in that time easily.

There are options young doom speaker, the sky is not falling.

Really, it comes down to “I’m not getting something as easy as someone else, so Blizz needs to fix nao!”

More people play PvE Alliance - NERF ALLIANCE!
Warlocks beat me in 1v1 PvP - NERF WARLOCKS!
Hunters beat me in 1v1 PvP - NERF HUNTERS!
Melee gets all the spots in BFD - NERF MELEE (or feral druids)!
Shaman pull too much aggro - NERF SHAMAN!
Horde win WSG more - NERF HORDE!
One of my runes is in Alliance / Horde territory - NERF HORDE / ALLIANCE!

are you insane!? the alliance win 90% of the time on lone wolf. if your going to lie at least make a good one.

Living flame is a stomp for ally every time. Alliance creation locked. Dead horde sever incoming

Nonsensical. Alliance is easily 3:1 in every Ashenvale event. They’re just straight up lying or trying to use level 1 alts or something so people are more inclined to subscribe.

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Likewise on Living Flame US, sadly. Seen the event a dozen times now and haven’t won once. Not even close to winning, even. Alliance just won the most recent one in about 8 minutes.

Not really much to say, horde players don’t seem to care about the event I guess. Despite the faction locking, allies are able to kill their first lieutenant in under a minute while horde spends the entire event just trying to kill one.

Yes. On Sharowstrike au we have likd 5 raids all in different stations and steamroll any horde we see… l

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Alliance heavy on a pve server is expected.

Horde has won the majority of ashenvales I’ve done on the crusader strike pvp server.

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The only realms that have any sort of parity are the PvP realms due to being hard locked to demand faction balance.

So everyone else just filters over to the PvE servers.

Unfortunately Alliance is given excessively large advantages, to the point that everyone flocks to being alliance because it’s easier, and that’s where all the streamers go to because most of the streamers are boring.

Peronally I think if they are gonna make pvp events big things in servers they should restrict faction balance on all servers (And seriously do something about all the bots)

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Balance of power shifts from server to server. On mine a couple days ago Horde outnumbered us in Ashenvale 3 to 1, now the past couple days Alliance has been dominating with participation. It just ebbs and flows on servers that have a good balance.

Yes I am on Lone Wolf so that might explain it