So if Horde AV cave was moved back in TBC

Why? It seems a legitimate issue. Are you saying that getting a 30% head start every fricking match has no effect on the outcome? You guys are all just mashing your buttons better over there?

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To be fair its the 1.12 version as the game is based on…

Yup, the version no one wanted.

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1.12 was the ONLY version blizzard would do. Thinking otherwise is silly. They said we are making classic and its going to be based on 1.12 and everyone cheered, then all the kids starting crying realizing that patch wasnt that great…

I think what you’re missing in Delmok’s statement is that in order to get a level 70 paladin on Horde, you had to start out at level 1; whereas on Alliance, unless you rerolled Dranei Paladin, you started at level 60. This would have allowed the hardcore alliance teams to have level 70 semi-geared paladins for a while before Horde paladins caught up.

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Because without the reinforcement system, it doesn’t matter which team gets to what first.

And there we have the true motivation of those complaining about horde at SH.

I would love to see anyone celebrating 1.12. I understand WHY they chose it though, but no one wanted that version…especially that version of AV.

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We were asking for the NPCs to be put back in as early as the vanilla patch that removed them. In regard to classic specifically, we were asking for a year or more and making very detailed and passionate cases for early AV.

Enough dude, you’re wrong. People are afk because the map is unbalanced and they know the odds are way stacked against them, so a lot of them are making the [wrong] choice to queue only to afk. The afk issue is an effect, not a cause.

The map is unbalanced. Very unbalanced. If you keep trying to push this angle of yours, it only can say a few things about you personally. Enough already ffs.


I assure you that horde had pallies within days of tbc release and crusader aura had nothing to do with moving the horde cave. The cave was moved because it is not fair for one faction to start closer to enemy objectives than the other, especially when that allows one faction to deny the other of all bonus honor.

Did you miss the cheering at blizzcon when announced? if they didnt like it maybe it would have gone over like immortal, instead it had nothing but cheering till launch with a few people who actually knew what was happening. But saying “I would love to see anyone celebrating” -

You agree they’re going in AFK…for 1 reason or another. I truly believe a lot of the AFKers really believe the map is unfair. They’re AFK’ing because they’re losing because they’re afking. And it goes downhill from there.

He can’t distinguish the difference in player behavior and map design. It’s impossible to have an honest discussion with players like that.

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Did you watch that video? No where in that video they mention which patch version. Those people were just celebrating the idea off Classic WoW.

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Except they were quite willing to recreate early AV. But someone forgot what game should have received it. And now it lies dormant and unused.

No, not even remotely true. There were tons of threads explaining why 1.12 was a horrible version to choose, not just for AV, but for the game from end to end.

Oh, wow, shifting right into insults. :roll_eyes:

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Yep, he’s either being deliberately ignorant for kicks or the poor boy has an ego/learning problem. Either way I’m moving on. Have fun kicking water uphill with him :wave: lol

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Wrong, it was moved after version 2.2 when they added resources to AV win condition - that is the only time the cave position was flagged as unfair and appropriately moved. Anything else is personal opinion or :poop:

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as I said before assuming anything other then a 1.12 base game would be stupid. Do you think they would recreate the same patch by patch and expect there to be 0 abuse of game mechanics and that they would recreate the code for every patch with the same fixes but also try to have it work on new server infrastructure and their new bnet client and on the legion client?..

Why would that be a stupid assumption? He said the they wanted to recreated the Vanilla experience. For many people 1.5 AV was quintessential Vanilla AV.

I think you may be the only arguing that people actually wanted this version of AV.

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everything was based on the 1.12 client and thinking anything else would be rly silly…