They’re welcome to forge right ahead and ‘not be so subtle’ next time so that Horde queues go from about an hour to maybe an hour and a half.
It’d be nice if whatever skeleton team they have on Classic woke the hell up and started actually making some changes.
I am fine with that. Maybe more Alliance will participate if higher ranks play with them, maybe the higher ranks rage quit out of AV entirely…who knows what will happen to queue times. But for the three days there were no premades, queues stayed an hour.
But if they go up, so-be-it.
Aye, I never premade, I in my mind (Deep PvE Resto shaman) suck at PvP. I will put the effort in to try to hold someone until help arrives mostly try to keep my totems out in the front lines and watch the map (thanks to Dhalgren for telling me about Shift + M) shot calling enemy positions and strengths.
They are months beyond needing to ‘get it in gear’.
They’re done absolutely nothing about the degenerate state of battleground PvP.
They’ve done (and said) nothing about the severe participation disparity between factions in PvP.
They’ve done (and said) nothing about potentially re-balancing the populations on servers - something the company botched horribly on launch by opening too few servers initially…then oscillated to the other end of the spectrum and opened too many…
Following (2) screw ups in a row (which is impressive given how much experience this company should have with game launches…they refrained from doing anything for months. They haven’t addressed population imbalances on different servers for either faction. They haven’t addressed resource issues.
It’s embarrassing how lazy and disengaged this company is from its’ former fans and player base. Absolute disgrace.
I don’t disagree. I think launching with CRBGs and Paid-Server-Transfers was the absolute would thing they could have done for server health. People were rewarded for moving to servers their faction all ready dominated.
But short of a complete-relaunch without these features, I am not sure what they can do. Maybe a handful of fresh servers that have server-locked PvP?
I dunno what else they could do at this point.
It’s like they chain-fk’d up repeatedly and were like “Oh man…How we stop screwing up? Lets just not do anything else…that way we can’t be accused on being incompetent and damaging the game further than we have already”.
Except they’re at a point know where they’ve inflicted so many gaping wounds on the player base that action IS needed. They do need to start making some radical changes to try and effectuate positive change, otherwise their game (Ie. player base) is just going to rot to death in this horrible gangrenous fashion.
Removing CRBSs but keeping paid transfers would be the most elegant way to fix the problem that I can imagine. But I am no game or systems designer. But at least that way people are rewarded for moving to an under-dog server instead of a dominated one.
Short of a hard restart, its gone on too long for much of anything else.
If they did a hard restart, kind of like EQ does with Time locked Progression servers, I would be out the door. I spent many hours and a lot of raids to get what I do have. Turning off CRBGs would be a start, then people transferring off there dominate servers to a less dominate would be the second fix. If your hitting 3+ hours for a BG because to many Alliance or Horde are on your server, your either going to transfer or just not PvP anymore.
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I completely agree. Its far too late for a hard restart. At least for me too. But we will have to live with the damage the current situation has caused if no restart comes. I don’t have a good solution.
This makes me glad I got the rep grind done in the first week. No reason to be a part of that toxicity.
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That would make things better overall. People would leave and some other company could make a game that the freed up people would go to. If that game is good it can thrive and everyone can have fun.
Right now Retail and Classic WoW have so many people tied up in their treadmills that those other games struggle to gain footing.
Asmogold has nothing to do with this. This is pure Blizzard community cancer.
That’s why you don’t touch the NPCs, let the random people aggro them and fail to cap the tower. Meanwhile you cap a GY and dig in.
Of course, that means that you’ll need a good amount of people to hold it. 10 should do just fine, if the other team pulls back enough to defeat 10 then the front lines of the main battle can move forward. With this kind of back-and-forth the quest people have enough time to summon mounted, ground, and air troops to bolster the assault.
It takes people willing to follow a few leaders and those leaders have to have a good plan. I’m not against killing the named NPCs but GY have to come first.
Can I recommend Age of Empires 2: Definative edition?
Microsoft was looking at Twitch and saw community tournaments with their own casters commentating and decided to make a remaster. They got people that were actually involved with the community and the result is amazing.
New AI, balance patches, new HD graphics, 4 new civs to play as, expansions years before the remaster came out, bug fixes.
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Took me 3 days to max out FwC and when I went to WsG to max out Warsong Outriders, after 3 match’s I did the math and said I’m done. 993 loses to 999/1000 exalted would of seen me knife myself. I recently tried again with WsG and said yep not gonna happen. I only play BG now because I can’t stand farming things, I get to do objectives and heal people. Something I didn’t really do leveling.
Yes I went from level 1 to 60 as a Resto Shaman never setting foot in a dungeon or grouped up with anyone. 1st guild I joined self destructed 1 week in (I joined the game 2 months late - was playing Albion) And my new guild play times don’t always work for me.
Not my thing. I’m more of a sandbox/MMO type player. But thanks for the suggestion!
I highly recommend that everyone at least dabbles with EverQuest Project1999. It is most certainly not for everyone, but it captures the “Museum Piece” better than Classic ever did. It is a great snapshot of MMOs at the time and lets you really see why WoW has some of the design choices it has.
It’s frustrating. I’m 0/45 now.
Not a single match goes by without terrain exploiters sneaking into the Alliance base to cap the bunkers or kill archers so we cannot defend. Many of the exploiters are all “Warlord” etc, guess you gotta cheat your way to the top.
Putting forth any real effort is just pointless, even if you defend caps, try to stop zergs the exploiters just all sneak in and cause problems. It doesn’t help that horde can literally bypass 90% of the Alliance defenses to terrain exploit into base due to the idiotic setup of the alliance base and terrain.
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Alliance PUGS are absolute cancer. Nobody wants to heal meanwhile horde has a back line LOADED with them. Im a Warrior, I cant just run in and live - if I do, I dont get any HKs. DPS? Either AFK, sub 60, or inept. I see absolutely geared toons failing to even get half the dmg on a guy that I get in trash gear. Loads of people marching single file into the enemy - such a clown show.
Also see a lot of - lets get REP guys! These arent PVPers and it shows with the amount of people going AFK either in cave or at a GY. Lets also not forget the kids who rolled on a PVP realm dreaming they were going to be gods and lacked the foresight of MEGAPOP PVP realms that are getting absolutely stomped - so they are farming harpies all game contributing NOTHING to any objective bc HEY, its gonna make a difference in world PVP @ 60. Reroll PVE already.
Yea, we are forced to group with these kind of people now. No thanks, I dont care if I lose a match - but I want a damn chance to win! Or at the very least - games where I get more than 300 honor.
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Pollz -
Horde has premades.
It appears you guys have been perfecting it over at least the last month. A month ago someone posted a video about it on youtube. They only managed to get a small group in at that time.
But this past Sunday and Monday, BEFORE the fix went in I saw at least one Horde team that
- was heavily populated with roughly ranks 6-13 - prior to this the scoreboard always showed a distribution from no rank to multiple low ranks to some mid ranks and maybe 1 or 2 high ranks
- used more complex strategies than we have been seeing from the pugs
- ended up winning the game in less than 10 minutes - my team was shocked to see a Horde team push for a fast win.
I say “saw at least one team” because the first time we ran into them, I thought it was just some kind of a fluke that they all ended up in the same bg. I did not take note of names. When we ran into similar groups over the course of those two days, I did not notice if they were the same people.
I don’t know if they are still around, because I have not gone back to AV since the “fix” on Tuesday. I’ve been searching both the forums and the discord trying to get clarification on exactly what Blizzard’s intentions are. Everyone seems so sure that they know exactly what Blizzard intends. But everyone seems to believe Blizzard views the situation exactly as they do. Whereas I don’t even know if Blizz knows their intentions.
In any event, on one visit to the discord, I heard someone who introduced the new plan say “We will be using the queue up method that Horde has had to use.”
I am surprised that so many Alliance know about them, when forum Horde seem oblivious to them. I can’t tell if it’s simply a case of most Horde believed it was impossible, so they block out all information contradicting their beliefs, or if Horde are trying to hide the fact.
It’s probably some combination of both of those things. But the bottom line is, Horde has premades, too.