So I just tried to do AV to see how its going

My thinking as well

We weren’t trying to cap the tower, we were grabbing LTs and Commanders and making our way to the GY. The random brought too many to us though and we got stuck in combat with him alerting everyone to our presence.

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You sure are dense. I appreciate you trying to figure out what is wrong with the alliance side, but unless you experience it for urself. You just have no idea.

If premades are ever stopped. I bet you (you can mark this) alliance will stop queuen AV. WSG is unplayable w/o a premade now. You think AB will fix things? NOPE… agan, mark this post.

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Thats not a stretch, i already did lol.

But i hear ya.

I know I will once I reach my desired rank.

Premades did stop for 3 days. And people were still queuing, and a meta was being figured out slowly.

wrong, I know a lot of people that stop queuen for those 3 days.

Wrong, my queue times then were exactly the same now as when premades wern’t happening. So over those 3 days the same number of alliance were queuing.

Ok, buddy… keep telling urself that.

I mean, queue times have been exactly 1 hour give or take since Tuesday. Not sure what else I can do other than giving you a straight fact.

:thinking: :face_with_monocle:

What about before Tuesday? I thought it was common knowledge based on many posts that AV Q for horde was 20 to 45 minutes depending on Time of Day. 1 hour seems to be a substantial increase no?

So, let me get this straight. Queues were what 30min? jump up to an 1 hour and have stay there ever since? Even with premades back? does that not tell you something is wrong? lol

Less actual alliance are queuen up.

Yes, the old method of AV queuing was happening before tuesday, the one that was opening many unfilled lobbies, driving down queue times?

Well yes, when you open up a whole bunch of unfilled lobbies, queue times would go down for the horde. To my knowledge, that was fixed on Tuesday and queues have been stable since then.

And the new premades method is no longer creating unfilled lobbies. End premades and you will have 24 hour queues. LOL

Except they were 1 hour for the three days premades didn’t exist…and 1 hour since they have. That is the only data we have and anything else is speculation.

Yeah, it really would’ve been better to just have realm-only BGs like things were originally. Queues would have sucked for me since my realm is Alliance heavy, but that’s entirely fine.


To me it says they gave up on AV mostly and now queue WsG as the timers for WsG have deceased. But I had my fill of WsG, and will wait until they add a solo vs. solo or group vs. group for that BG.

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I hear you. WSG is not fun unless ur in a premade. Pug’n is even worst of a nightmare.

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That’s Blizzard slang for:

“We don’t give a damn about the game and are going to lob in some lazy changes so the community thinks we’re listening/care.”

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To me that reads as “we tried to be subtle this time.” Next time wont be so subtle.