So I just did my first Mythic+ and Understand why Raider.IO is a thing

/queues for Corbenzos’ key

Hm, so there’s not a real way to tell if it was a carry, just through the IO site? (Sorry for the questions, but I do want to understand it before blindly following the mob :slight_smile: )

No, none at all. It’s a bit of a flaw, but it’s still more reliable than going off ilvl and more detailed than just asking for cheevos.

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Yeah, I’d still use it if I were pugging M+s. It’s better than not having anything.

Maybe my opinion is skewed since when I was in a guild, I only ever ran with my guild…

But we always used mythic 0 for first timers, then up to 9 to learn in. 10 onwards was for people who knew how to avoid stuff.

Are pugs really that bad? Never tried pugging, so no idea.

You would be shocked by some of the stuff I’ve seen people do.


But the make-your-own-group option is supposed to be how all these lazy whiners get their score up. And here you’re telling us that you made your own group and it couldn’t get past a measly +2. What a conundrum!

It’s definitely not infallible. Had a mage with 2k score and 3 kills in mythic doing 30k every pull and on bosses with lust. He was fire. I’m still wondering how much he paid for the account.

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I can’t imagine how insufferable a person would have to be to use IO on a +2. Even most 7-8s don’t seem to bother with it.

Atal does have some annoying mechanics if people don’t know them though. Probably also one of the most obnoxious trash mechanics with the totem/AoE mobs (if you don’t outgear whatever level you’re doing it can be a nightmare when someone kills the totem first).

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You’re deciding what you want to do. I’m not your momma. However I’m providing suggestions to people who want to better the community.

It’s better to fix an issue than let it fester.

Your problem not mine kid.

This is the reason we have things like IO.

People are really, really dumb.

Yeah, it is, because relatively few M0s have five people with appropriate ilvl. Most I’ve seen have at least one 460+ carry just blowing though everything. Not exactly the best situation to properly learn the mechanics.

Pug problems,there is 1 solid solution to this though but it requires you put in effort and i do not think they have a addon for that.

How is a tank suppose to learn Necrotic in a +0?


Its a +2 key dude. People who are applying to +2 keys are probably still learning the dungeon/game. The addon becomes more useful as the keys go up

I’ve probably pugged 99% of my m+ and I don’t usually have a problem. Maybe I’m just lucky though lol.

Why did you even start the run if he didn’t want to change his spec? :rofl:

There was another mage and myself both being vocal in /p that the tank was in wrong spec, however neither the tank nor the keyholder paid any mind. After us saying this 2-3 times the keyholder did a /readyc and then put the key in. After we managed to kill the first boss and some trash the group leader says “Oh wait, we don’t have a tank xD” and then asks the guy to swap specs. Even though the mage and myself had been saying this literally since summons had gone out. He runs out without a word and just leaves group. I was being a bit hyperbolic lol.

Jesus have some patience.