So I downloaded FFXIV and

Uuuh, okay haha

Next Ark

You mean Lost Ark? :open_mouth: I will be moving there myself when we get an English client :heart:.

I mean Ark Survival Evolved.

Ah, I had to google it :stuck_out_tongue:. It’s definitely not the type of game for me, but if it’s good for fans that’s cool.

I don’t think it will take FFXIV players, people play that for Glamour and PVE content.

There might not be dedicated RP servers, be there are de facto RP servers like Balmung and Mateus. I’ve been playing this game for years on the latter, and RPing the whole time, and I have not once been subject to disciplinary action nor have I even been reported to my knowledge. In fact, no one I know (and I know a ton of people on that server) has either.

I think these claims are a bit exaggerated, or they’re coming from people that tried to RP in the middle of Limsa on a server not known for its RP community.

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I used to play FF14. I no longer play it due to certain aspects of the game that I didn’t find appealing. I still play WoW casually.

I would only recommended FF14 to someone who is NEW to the MMORPG genre and want to try a FF14 as their first MMORPG. Or to someone who wants to play it as a “side game” while they wait for new content, patch, raid, or expansion from their “main mmorpg game.”

What I find surprising that NO ONE has mentioned yet about FF14, and in my opinion, is that FF14 doesn’t invoke a level of challenge in order for it to promote a competitive atmosphere.

In other words:

If we look at it from a Twitch streaming point of view, It doesn’t appear to attract a level of sponsorship of consumer products whether its from clothing, computer equipment/peripherals, or in the background to be advertised (e.g., Red bull, Corsair, Razer, Origin PC. etc., etc…).

I am unaware of any FF14 equivalent to a WoW Raiderio. FF14 doesn’t have that level of prestige as far as in-game achievements stating that you’re a world first, realm first, or a gladiator pvper, Cutting Edge, AOTC, any FIRST, or anything official that can be linked.

I don’t see any FF14 streamers with stream titles, such as “Rank 1…” or " race to world first…" I do not see a FF14 twitch stream that is the equivalent of Method or Limit. or something as simple with a stream title with their guild or FC name in their stream title. I also do not see any competitive e-sport streaming corporation/entity or professional league that would be equivalent to the recent race to world first mythic Battle of Dazar’alor clear or equivalent to “OverwatchLeague” stream.

I usually see a FF14 streamer with titles like “MSQ…” or “New player questions and welcome…” It has a more soft, friendly attraction vs the WoW competitive arena environment.

IMO, if FF14 can somehow generate this level of competitive atmosphere that WoW can, it would attract a much higher level of popularity and streaming/twitch viewership.

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Neither does WoW, WoW is just a massive balance mess switching from one side to another.
To this date, DPS spellcasters are designed to play with someone else because by themselves they can’t 1vs1 a melee. That straight destroys competition for those classes as they depend on another player. Completely lame, would rather it didn’t even exist.

This is a good thing, Raiderio summons nothing but aggressiveness and toxicity in this community. It should be gone.

Again, this is a good thing, all those things you mentioned summon nothing but toxic behavior and in the case of this game it’s not even balanced to function right so it’s complete BS.

You mean rerolling to the class Blizz decided that will outperform the rest? Or stick to an OP meta instead of getting better skilled at the game because, WHOOPS, skill doesn’t matter it’s all about the unbalance.

I’d rather not, it’d only get toxic.
And FFXIV is doing well enough, better than WoW, without all that.

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I’ll have to stop you right there.

A big source of FFXIV’s appeal to many players is that is NOT competitive.
It’s one of the main reasons FFXIV’s community is known for being much nicer.

Just remember, many are jumping from WoW to FFXIV to ESCAPE the ridiculous amount of competition and all the negative behaviours that tend to come along with it.


Point is that there’s no competition in WoW.
NOTHING in WoW is personal skill based, it’s all an unbalance META and RNG gear forging / gear drop BiS with charsim calc simulator.
Please tell me where is this game getting competitive from a player skill standpoint.
Didn’t everyone in the last mythic race also reroll to whatever class/race was meta for clearing it?
Where’s the skill on that?

WoW is still competitive, people are rushing and competing to be on top of the heap. Be it for the highest item level, best DPS performance, or world first clears; those are all still competitive.

All you’re saying is that you’re frustrated that the competitive aspects aren’t skill based… and in all honesty, WoW probably isn’t the best game for that particular type of competition because of the ever-changing rule-set and additions (re-balancing patches and new gear).

Thinking of content that actually required skill in WoW? Usually soloing content, namely when over-gearing and over-powering it was not an option. Stuff like this:

If you want true skill-based competition, look at Speed-Running games.

Surprisingly popular and highly skill-based because the game themselves are generally “set in stone” by most standards; older games tend to be very popular for this particular approach. Glitches and bugs become “features” with this style of play (up to and including finding out how the game can be broken to beat it even faster), and players often come up with their own rule-sets for specific types of runs (including 100% and glitch-free categories).

This appears to be “main site” for this sort of thing:

… and surprisingly, WoW actually has a page on the site:

RNG Titanforge dependant.

Devs deciding which class will work and which not, Demonology for example is getting a 30% nerf on the PTR.

Always the same guys who are always taking advantage of broken game mechanics. Boring.

Of course, if you’re looking for the competitive scene, World of Warcraft is exactly what you are looking for. It seems to be Blizzard’s number 1 priority. In general World of Warcraft gives you more content to chew on if you’re competitive and are looking to push yourself.

A lot of people don’t play an MMORPG for that though. It’s about playing an RPG with other people, and things like crafting, class fantasy, the story, character customization and progression, and social features like housing are just as important as combat. Raiding for these people just so happen to be one of the things you do in that RPG. And this is where World of Warcraft is falling short. Notice that all the usual alternative MMOs (not just FFXIV) put emphasis on RPG aspect.

I also think that Blizzard’s stronger-than-they-used-to investment in story telling since Legion is an attempt at targeting that group of players that don’t really care about competition.


Extensive sharding is why you don’t see ti s of ppl in low level areas I think.

So is WoW!! Amazing!


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FF14 doesnt punish you for helping others.

FF14 doesnt have faction tag.


Relic and Eureka say hi.

Edit: Forgot about the Centurio Tiger mount for doing 2000 S ranks and 3000 A ranks.
And Astrope for doing 2000 mentor roulettes.

None of that is required, Eastern mmos are full of required grind

Things like BDO and TERA?

I’ve played TERA a bit back when it was actually a sub game, played for a few months but dropped it. Dunno how it is now though.

Don’t know on tera but yea on BDO, where the best way to level is just to grind grind grind.

The sad thing is, that was kind of what drew so many folks to WoW. There was a lot to do. But over time they’ve made doing a lot of those things less fun.

The Gold Saucer in FF14 was a lot of fun. No real “progression” or anything, just quite simply fun.

Blizzard could take some lessons from Square about what “fun factor” means.