So I downloaded FFXIV and

Hundreds of bias’d youtube video’s feeding echo chamber by the likes of people like Heelsvbabyface, nothing but rage bait

LOL I have given my argument instead of giving me yours all you did ya say “that’s fake”.

You are NOT helping your argument my friend.

I need not help my argument, I know it’s not the truth, so I just asked you to stop spreading misinformation.

RP is not as big on FF as wow, but you’re not getting banned for it, unless you’re being obnoxious.

Omega has a huge, thriving RP community, it’s where most of the non-erp balmung people went to.

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You have actually proved my point there…comparing FFXIV’s Rp community to WoW is like comparing a ant to an elephant. Until they can grow that community as big as WoW’s they are no threat.

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Except Bilzzard is effectively killing every other community of wow, the RP community is the only one they pander to.

Raiding community is dying. They’ve basically just killed of a huge portion of all communities by killing all the portals for 8.1.5 and basically saying “we don’t understand why you need them”

Wow is dying, it would have been slow, but unfortunately Blizz keeps turning the knife every patch. Eventually all there will be left is “RP” which isn’t THAT big, most of the RP servers are dead.

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You right some people have but to be honest for every sub lost two more new subs are taking their place. WoW is not dying it is just shedding it’s old skin.

If you think wow is growing, at all, I have a very nice bridge to sell you.


It is growing just not as quickly

Wow’s playerbase hasn’t grown since Wrath of the Lich King, in fact it’s been in steady decline since then.


Proof please if it is not an offical sub release by blizzard don’t bother and lets say your right WoW is declining if that is true from what I have seen so are the rest of the MMORPG Community …it is not WoW that is dying its MMORPGs as a whole.

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Subs peaked at 12k back in Wrath, official numbers, and by the time they stopped reporting in WoD it was down to 5 million.

The decline was almost steady minus expansion launches, you’d be silly to think the decline didn’t continue, especially with the trash heap that is BfA.

Meanwhile FF continues to grow every expansion.

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All MMORPGs are in decline …if Something is going to kill WoW it the death of the Genre as a whole.

Then why is FF growing?


Most of that is from the Asian Market this happens to a lot of eastern MMOPRGs they have a peroid of quick growth then a decline into obscurity. Ya see most Western Players don’t wana do the grind that is common in Eastern MMORPGs actually the big thing now is Survival RPGs like Ark Survival Evolved.

FFXIV is basically a western mmo, there’s no grind. And this this isn’t quick growth either, it has been steady growth since the release of ARR in 2013.


And when the Next Ark comes out we will watch as both our subs drop.

I see there is getting nowhere with you, have a nice day.

and lol at survival rpgs taking over for mmo’s, try things like looter shooters (the division) and kiddie games like Fornite.

A bit late, but you’d be better off checking the subreddit. The official forums aren’t great.

Personally, I prefer the structure of a forum to reddit. I hang out here and in FFXIV’s forum, keeps me quite entertained enough as it is, heh. I check out reddit once in a while if someone shares an interesting thing from there.

I don’t mind either one, I’ve just heard a lot of bad things about the forums over the years so I’ve never bothered. I just know the subreddit is really helpful to new players so I usually suggest it - although I realized after I posted that that he was really saying “why are you posting here instead of their forums”. I should have scrolled further. :woman_shrugging: