Clickbait title.
I heard things here about combat being slow and choppy, with 2.5s global cooldown but…
You guys were lying!
There IS a 2.5s global cooldown but there also are several mechanic abilities to use inside that period of time which incur no GCD to execute combos.
In the end, the combat flows a lot better than WoW’s without 112125125 RNG procs and millions of random unpredictable numbers which make it impossible to tell where from or how or why it appeared on screen.
Another thing, I suspect it has more players than WoW, the game is pretty alive on the starting town and you can actually see people talking and it’s not the usual trade chat politics WoW has. Many many players running around and unlike WoW there isn’t a single frame drop nor stuttering for loading models.
I was completely shocked, this hasn’t been the case for WoW in years.
FATE events still get filled and people helps each other without even being in a group. Tank classes try to defend randoms, healing classes heal randoms, if you’re seen struggling you’re thrown a rope instead of being left to die for the sake of not wasting time in combat like WoW players mostly do.
Free trial runs up to level 35 which is half the level cap, unlike WoW which gives up to level 20 you actually get to experience a bunch of the game.
Btw there are a ton of community rules to ensure the least toxic community as possible, more than half the playerbase here would end up permabanned in the first day lol.
I haven’t felt this happy with a MMO in a long long time.
Newsflash other MMO’s exist and only poor people complain about the cost of a $15 sub. You can play more then one game…
People do it all the time on consoles. I am not married to WoW lol
They got forums?
They do but they’re horrible. Think these are bad? lol
I’m on the free trial, can’t access them but. What’s the point on posting about this on the FFXIV forums if the point of the whole thread is comparing it to THIS game?
I think you need to ask yourself if you were so happy over there, why the heck are you posting on this forum.
Uhhhh… I’m not really sure what to say to this.
Maybe your experience has sucked, but so far questing on my relatively squishy mage I’ve had a fair bit of help thrown my way, from all kinds of roles, including a Holy Pally who taunted an elite off me, healed me, and tanked the mob for me in heal spec lol until we killed it. And I always respond with an Arcane Intellect in kind if applicable.
Glad you’re having fun with XIV, but this thread probably belongs in Gaming/Games/Hardware and not GD.
Because World of Warcraft is World of Warcraft.
Final Fantasy 14 is setting itself up to eventually take WoW’s place as top core hound on the crumbling MMO mountain but WoW has the lore, the history, nostalgia, the prestige, the intellectual property!
Helping people here who are not getting what they’re paying for
Yes, sure you are. I already tried that game and hated it. And you are on a brazilian server but I see people on my servers low level zones all the time not that I want that but w/e.
So is WoW!! Amazing!
That would insta drive them back to WoW
I’m not though?
Cross realm is a thing you know, so that the game doesn’t feel as empty by putting people of different realms in the same place (Yet some areas don’t have more than 2 people around)
Ahahaha, no. AFK people on mounts and people discussing politics on trade chat isn’t being alive.
Good riddance.
Enjoy the journey. There is a lot to do. I picked it up a few months ago and haven’t looked back to WoW. I’m currently working on leveling some of my crafts and doing the dailies to help level these.
I’ve also recently started looking into Eureka as well in FF XIV. So far not too bad.
There is a lot to do in this game but enjoy the story as well.
I guess you don’t play that often then. In the starting zones, like I quoted :), I see many low levels, especially first 1-20.
At 120 I generally always see at least 5 more people per zone on my side and like 20 Hordes
Sounds like you dislike WoW and it’s community, why stay?
“I liked a game so much I decided to give it free advertising on the forum of another game.”
This would be cool if I didn’t hate advertising and the thread wasn’t pretentious to begin with.
What’s Ragnaros then, that an LA server ? Can’t keep track of all that, other than a lot of you guys don’t speak english.
My issue with Final Fantasy 14 is 12 and 11…once they get tired of 14 they will release 16 or 17…this is not how you handle an MMO but a console game.
I mean it is a little ridiculous how they just move on from their other MMO’s. Why in gods name would I invest time into something I know will be an old MMO within 3 years?
I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEEEE their crafting system but they have no loyalty to their MMO’s
If I saw them change the name to Final Fantasy Online and get rid of the numbers then I would maybe check it out again.
I have tried that game three time on three free trials and never got hooked on it.
Its not that i don’t like weebo games, it just didn’t feel worth the sub and the cost
…Releasing MMOs as mainline FF games was probably a mistake for squenix. They would have just… gone with a spinoff title, but nope. Numbered entry dooming the MMO to irrelevance.
I do agree with this. For those who do not like online games, it kinda makes you feel like you’re missing part of the series. I did play both online games, but I do agree that they should have just been like “Final Fantasy Online” or something.