I take it you haven’t raided in FFXIV. If someone helping you complete a raid, and they’ve completed the raid already in the week, you get less and less loot depending on how many people have completed the raid.
Also, again on the “not punishing you for helping others” is you CANNOT heal random people out in the world WITHOUT being in their party.
Aehl, its funny but if that’s the highest you have …
Let’s see, I’ve got a 50 Dragoon, 30ish Black Mage, 30ish Summoner, just that I recall off hand.
Of course you’re playing right now and I’m not (had several busy busy things happen this week and haven’t had time to get down to put many on my CC to renew my FF14 sub)
Now ESO has it bad about healing others because you can’t target players, you just have to hope they’re in range when you use most healing spells.
Oh, I took my time. I think it took me like 2-3 months to get my toons to where they were at. But like you said, no rush.
It was just an amusing thing that made me chuckle when you mentioned your level.
This week, won’t have time to get down and put money on the CC so I can install FF14 (since it won’t let me install until I have an active account). That’ll have to wait until Friday.
All of the people who haven’t died due to my healing them would like to say “hi.” I haven’t been grouped with any of them; they bow, hug me, clap, or otherwise say “thanks” and then I wave farewell and am on my way. I’m very cognizant of what other people are doing around me while I’m questing, and have saved quite a few so far. That makes me happy, and the WoW devs removing that same ability was that last straw that caused me to quit WoW after over 11 1/2 years of nonstop playing. (Currently level 53 in FFXIV, but have healed people all along.)
If I tried to heal a low level player now in WoW, I’d decimate their xp by 90% - even if I’m grouped with them - according to what people were finding right after the so-called “bug” hotfix after 7.3.5. (It wasn’t a bug; it was intended and put in purposely by the former devs.) And of course the same drop in xp for them if I killed their rare or mob for them - unlike FFXIV where I’ve spent the last few days killing mob after mob for lowbies after I saved them. It’s fun to watch them be surprised, realize what I’m doing, and then run around tagging mobs for me to kill. lol
So I guess that either things have changed since you last played FFXIV, or I have no idea why you would say that.