So I downloaded FFXIV and

Its good because it has what I personally feel is worse end game content?

Interesting take. Won’t convince me to try it for a 3rd time. But if you are enjoying it, more power to ya.

It’s just a different way to play, I play to gear out my characters (and I honestly find their raids fun, but I do find most WoW raids fun as well, Uldir just wasn’t doing it for me, but I like the new one from what I’ve seen) and some people play for challenge, or just to play.

That said, one thing that is miles better for FFXIV no matter who you ask… crafting, I REALLY wish wow crafting was better.

Well, honest thanks for that

Are we even playing the same game?

Overworld is dead, FATEs are dead, everyone’s either just afking in the latest hub city, or doing Eureka for their relic.

I always do FATEs with at least one more person and Limsa is full of people

I mean, usually i hang around my FC house, but EVERY time I go gathering I see a ton of people.

But I’m also on a preferred server, so there’s probably more people leveling there in prep for the next expansion then on your average server.

Limsa’s kind of the poor man’s city, it’s used mostly as a RP hub (if you’re on one of those servers) and as a quick MB/Summoning Bell for people who don’t have a house.

As for fates, I’m surprised you get people to do them with, they’re laughably bad exp and there’s so many better ways for EXP that fate trains died off. Northern Thanalan is still good for a few levels especially while waiting for a queue, Southern Thanalan fates are purely only done since it spawns an S rank, but otherwise they are ignored and nobody’s in the overworld unless a Hunt spawned.

In the end it is your own choice, FFXIV is a fun game it just doesn’t have what I want from the game at present.

Not that I’m playing WoW either anymore, I’m just playing and finishing my single player RPGs finally XD.

I wish Aussies can play it with little lag like everyone else someday.

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What does FF12 have to do with anything at all?

That’s a single player.

FF11 is as ancient as days, far older than even WoW and City of Heroes yet it’s still supported but it’s way past it’s prime.

XIV is the spiritual successor to Xi, by and large.

But I must day: I see you never mentioned Everquest 1&2, however…

That’d be hypocritical to your biased tirade, yes?


He’s not aware that the only reason we don’t have a WoW2 is because Blizz barely likes working and spending money.
Look at us, we still didn’t get the goblin and worgen new models.
Switching some spell pathetic SFXs took years and they’re still unfinished.
Old world wasn’t updated yet, old models are all here and make the game look terrible for any newcomer because it’s 14 years old graphicwise.
Can they fix it? Yes.
Can they upgrade it? Yes.
Will they do it? No lol they do the least job possible spending as little money possible to cash grab from die-hard fans who can’t tell or deny Blizz’s cheapness.


It is very unfortunate .I tried very hard to make myself like bfa but the game is now forcing so many things that I don’t like to be doing . Warfronts I hate them .wm mode has totally destroyed open world pvp .
The game has lost all its charm

Now you are attacking an entire country. I didn’t have much respect before and now I have none.

Yoshi-P has said that he has at least 10 more years’ worth of content for FFXIV, and when he took a promotion, he made sure it was in his contract that he would remain the head of FFXIV - period.

He also recently said something to the effect of that Square Enix would be angry if they stopped making FFXIV because it’s doing so well now. So perhaps your concern isn’t warranted. (WoW will be retired at some point, too.)

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TBH I would agree with you but there is one thing that his holding FFXIV back.

FFXIV IMO has done nothing to shake Blizzard stranglehold on the “RP” in MMOPRG

I heard stories of Ban happy mods, lack of dedicated rp servers, and an rp community that basically amounts to “Gilneas RP” at best and MG goldshire at worst.

Until a MMORPG comes out that can chip away at those RP subs … WoW is gonna remain top dog.

Don’t know where this RP stuff comes from, but FFXIV has a huge RP community, and it’s not all ERP. The only thing is Yoshi-P stated he will never label an official RP server because he doesn’t want that kind of labeling, he want’s RP to happen everywhere and not splinter it into ONE official server.

Because there is no dedicated RP server, people can get banned for RPing IC. People who don’t RP who see someone RPing in /s, and don’t know they are IC because they don’t RP; can ban you for spamming or offensive language and the mods will ban you because they love the ban hammer in FFXIV.

That’s the problem with not having a dedicated RP server. You HAVE to be in a specific group for it, and you HAVE to RP in /p chat. You can’t just wander around and randomly start RPing IC.

Very not true. But I’ll leave it at that, people spread crap all the time, and people like you believe them.

I see people RPing ALL the time in cities, there’s even a “Looking for RP” icon that you can put next to your name.

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You are not even on an rp server so you can not exactly judge what is “Quality RP” and from what I have seeen FFXIV rp is NOT Quality

G modding and metagaming run rampart and the it seems every other toon is a Mary Sue. And those that don’t remain in their Cliques and guilds and if your not part of either GOOD LUCK of getting any good quality rp.

Also this I have met FFXIV players comming back to WoW and complaining that they were banned for “spamming” when they were just trying to rp.

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That information is not from me but from a large RP community on FF’s servers. And stop spreading misinformation, people are not getting banned for “spamming” by rping, unless they’re being obnoxious

Give me your source …as for mine there are HUNDREDS of youtube videos that prove my point.

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