Are you going to tell me at least what race I am being racist against in all this then because other than troll, I really don’t know.
Except I don’t fall for that stuff. If the game is so bad just move on, you have no one to blame but yourself for the six month sub and nothing requires you to continue to post here trolling the forums
Because FFXV doesn’t exist on mobile
There’s a big difference between “big, pretty human” and “orc”.
I also wouldn’t be able to tolerate being surrounded by anime pretty boys… it’s why I play Horde in the first place.
… but you have male blood elves horde side
Yea… it’s not perfect but at least they’re snarky and not generic anime dialogue and they’re forced to dress in spikes and bones.
welp I guess OP is going to have no more fun today since this thread got moved.
Horde is mostly composed to Blood elves lol.
Forced to dress like edgy Visual Key anime dark heroes.
At least I got to root out a racist.
Better 50% pretty boys than 100% awful anime featured pretty boys. Ugh.
50%? They’re pretty much 100% pretty edgy boys, the sort that attract fujoshi.
What’s wrong with having pretty boys though? You have 100% anime looking Draenei and elves.
Anime is awful. Akira is overrated trash. B:TAS is better than any anime ever created.
What’s that?
Batman: The Animated Series. I love how he expects people to just know that. I had to Google it.
Hey gotta do something in my downtime at work. lol
I have shifted from wow to ff14 and I am really enjoying the game . So sad wow has gone down with bfa .
Still play wow casually now just to have taste of old wow
Tried FFXIV. Felt horrible. Got bored easily. No one talked. Felt no community.
Happy you enjoy it. WoW is still the best MMO on the market imo.
Maybe I should go flood the FFXIV forums with threads like this.
People talk about wow all the time in FFXIV related forums (not on the main forum, no one talks their, the NA mod team is ridiculous), and I can tell you, it’s VERY little in positive notes about WoW.
I’ve always loved wow, I’ll always play wow, but BfA is so far from what I’m looking for in an expac that I’m basically playing super casual atm.
BFA has entertaining m+ and great raids. Fortunately those are the main two things I look for in an expansion.
Nothing FFXIV has sounds similar or on par.
I prefer FF’s trashless raids, but it’s all personal opinion.
What turns me off to playing WoW endgame atm is the horrid gearing, the removal of ML, Titanforging, etc.
FFXIV’s gearing is very deterministic outside of savage/ultimate and I love that, you’re always working towards something where in wow you’re always praying for something.
I’m not dismissing your opinion, don’t get me wrong I value it, it makes sense for you to like those things.
That’s why it’s good.
If the raids aren’t fun, I don’t care about the gear. The gear is an afterthought to me. Gear comes. When I go into a raid, do I hope for certain pieces to drop? Sure. But they are rarely the reason I am there.
I just didn’t personally find the end game of FFXIV fun.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of things FFXIV does well. Great even. Story, character customization, etc. But those just aren’t the main sticklers for me.