So I downloaded FFXIV and

If so, I apologize, I didn’t notice. I’m skimming threads while I get a spare minute at work.

Touche’ on that one. I’ve not dusted off my Shaman since Mists and from all that I’ve read this expansion, I’m still reluctant to.

It was doing actually good.
But they destroyed it’s sustain.
Then it was still doing good and Shaman is not allowed that, so they completely destroyed it’s burst.
And now? Hell it’s not even worth playing it, the effort it takes isn’t rewarded in power or sustain.

Have fun, I could never stick with that game for long.

I recently gave FF14 a try while waiting for 8.1. The environments are pretty. Being able to switch jobs/class on a single character is cool. Player housing is nice. Combat was meh.

Beyond all that the game just didn’t have that special feel that made me want to keep logging in and playing a ton. Not sure what it was lacking exactly. Just felt kind of shallow and superficial I guess.

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What a waste…

Shaman was the least played class in vanilla but it was king in PVP. I guess I’ll just wait around and make one for Classic to enjoy some nostalgic 2h WF crits to 1-shot max level people.

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“Like WoW’s? I still don’t get what’s the fun in raids here. I just found it frustrating and like hitting huge HP sponges to play the loot RNG casino.”

Yeah after looking at your raiding history it was a given you would say something like this.

hope you enjoy healing.

It’s a great game but I play it casually. Can’t afford to give my full time to two MMO’s.

No healing. Swinging that Unstoppable Force like a madman is NOT healing!

You need to give a little context to that statement.

Are you worried there will be another FF MMORPG?
Or are you worried that there will be more entries in the series overall?

More entries are a given, but another MMORPG is not; it’s also important to note that FFXIV appears to have a “planned conclusion” (the story isn’t try to generate new threats to extend the number of expansions, at least not yet), so the game will eventually wrap up and likely won’t be dragged out too long.

… and even then, the bigger question will depend on how the MMORPG genre is faring in the future to decide on whether or not to put time into another MMO for the series.

To move onto another topic, FFXIV updated it’s policy on how they handle in-game conduct this week:


Prohibited Behaviour:

Account Penalties:

Unfortunately I can only provide the text format for the links, but those should lead to the correct place.

The amount of stuff they’ve decided to include as “prohibited behaviour” is quite extensive, and includes a fair bit of “nuissance behaviour”. Here’s a few items from the list:

  • Expressions that unilaterally reject another person’s opinion
  • Expressions that any reasonable person would find offensive
  • “Obstructing transit/progress” This means obstructive behaviour such as group blocking of passages or facilities along which many players pass or obstructing another person’s game play progress, for example by overlapping an important NPC deliberately for a long time.
  • “Improper expulsion voting” This means excluding another person by manipulation of expulsion voting.
  • “Intentional leaving or disconnection” This means obstructing another person’s game play by intentionally leaving the game or disconnecting from the server.
  • “Monster Player Kill (MPK)” “MPK” means the act of sending a monster towards another person so that they are knocked out, or obstructing another person’s game play.

Naturally, there’s a bit of concern that the policy change could be enforced in an overly heavy-handed manner.

But to drag WoW back in to the conversation…

Would WoW benefit from rules similar to these?

Ignoring the fact that a huge chunk of the staff which would perform those duties were laid off not that long ago, and that these rules would probably result in 25-50% of the playerbase getting banned within a couple of months (it takes time to ban that many people).

… along with the rumour that one of the driving factors of these changes is probably that a partial migration of WoW players to FFXIV has resulted in them carrying over some of their offensive behaviours from WoW could be a driving factor behind these policy changes.

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Well you wouldn’t get much raiding history from a Mag’har Orc which was released in this expansion, right?

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Ok WoW released 14 years ago. They could have easily called this Warcraft 4 or something like that following Final Fantasy’s logic here.

You honestly want to sit here and tell me in 14 years that FF14 will be getting expansions and new content like WoW does when the Final Fantasy series itself will be on like 24 by then?

The answer is no chance. You cannot guarantee me and neither can the company themselves that FF14 will not just be replaced by FF16 or something like that.

That is my main issue. Nothing to do with the game but the fact that I know it will be retired and put into maintenance mode for no other reason then progressing an arbitrary number.

Hopefully they actually act upon this rather than lip service as before.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Better to end a game when things are going good than milking it beyond the point it should have died by several years.

I see what you did thar :wink:

In your opinion. There is not a damn thing stopping them from calling it Final Fantasy Online and getting rid of the numbers but keeping that 14 tells me everything I need to know about their plans.

It is a great game but I refuse to play a zombie MMO living on borrowed time.

Yeah, it sounds fun but BFA got more players into FFXIV than the announced upcoming expansion and new class.
And these rules were set to barrier WoW’s community huge toxicity.

I’d rather see the game straight die than see it end up like WoW. It hurts seeing this game in it’s current state, so neglected like a poor dying cow being milked during it’s last days.

So you’re not playing WoW either


Man I played in TBC nd Wrath and the game has more to do now then it ever did then. If you think this QQ about BFA is something then you would have thought Wrath was dying tomorrow.

You guys have no idea what forum qq and bad reviews look like until you look at Wrath and the extreme hate that expansion got.

It is hilarious how it is now glorified by the player base.

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Give someone a bag of gold and they complain about the bag.

You mean you are hiding behind that too so people can’t see your raiding history.