The forums you are looking for are right here. ^
Ffxiv is trash. I’ve tried it twice, have a max level character and I still find it garbage.
The forums you are looking for are right here. ^
Ffxiv is trash. I’ve tried it twice, have a max level character and I still find it garbage.
To each their own.
You should reword your statement to “I personally found it to be trust”.
It’s okay, your initial aggressiveness was enough to tell your lowkey racism.
FFXI lasted around 15 years with updates though?
And Blizzard has loyalty to WoW? Please. Gimme more lawyer talk.
Nope, pretty sure I was searching for THIS forum.
Let me guess, you pulled to kill everyone intentionally, insulted someone in your party, got banned for your toxicity and now you’re resented at the game.
And now you’re here in WoW where you can be as toxic as you are. Touché.
[quote=“Whiteknightd-bladefist, post:13, topic:100813”]
I picked it up a few months ago and haven’t looked back to WoW.
…while posting on WoW forums.
I know i know, you just like the forums and not the game. Settle down.
Dont know why the “quote” feature didnt quote. Maybe it works better in FFIVXIIX
TL:DR: Jaded WoW player uses alt account to flame the game that personally offended him.
I’ve been married for 12 years, but I may soon be filing for a divorce.
I get you are a fan but lets not pretend that FF11 and FF12 are not still games they are expected to support and are not doing.
The mere fact that it has a 14 after the title tells me there will be a 16 or 18 in the future. I am not comfortable with that.
MMO’s are a long term investment for me and knowing they will retire it I am not cool with that. WoW is is 14 years old and I do not see Blizzard releasing WoW 2… or WoW 3 then just moving on.
Pointing out you are playing on a different group of servers than I am and that mine are populated is racism now ?
Nope the game is slow and clunky, classes are boring as all get out, Gcd is a nightmare, the story is boring, etc…
I get it, you like dressing up your cat girl and running around the ffxiv world. That’s fine like what you want. But you are on the wrong game forum, your post will be better received on the forum dedicated to the game you supposedly love more than wow.
So again, the forums you want are:
This isn’t even an online game?
No it will most likely stay dead like it is right now, lawyer talk grinding time gating chopping off classes completely and telling you to “WAIT FOR NEXT EXPANSION” after several timegatings of supposed patches that would fix said class.
Lol you’re a female blood elf.
Your post made me reaffirm that I’m actually on the right forum
Yes, because you are a troll and would probably get banned for this behavior right away on FF’s forum.
Their forums are finicky. I’ve seen people make direct racist remarks to people and nothing done about it. FFXIV forums are not moderated by SE staff, they’re done by an off-shore company.
Most of the posters here would, take the F Blood elf complaining about Mi’qote for example.
So, pretty much the same like these forums?
Oh I see, well then I am sure OP will be happy there when he actually starts paying for the game and gets access. I wonder if he will get a ‘deal’ on his subscription there - I can’t bring myself to actually pay real money for these games anymore.
I tried FF14.
Found everything about it boring.
The end game xombat was what ended up breaking the camel’s back. Raids are incredibly boring and easy.
At least ESO’s raiding content is challenging and rewards skill.
I’ve not seen people make racist remarks here but yes, I’ve seen people here make 100% pure insult posts, repeatedly and no action is taken, regardless of how many times they’re flagged. If it were not risking me violating the CoC, I’d link several right now.
The combat is fun and active however my biggest peeve is that there is no flexibility with jobs. If you play a Paladin (for example), there is only 1 way to play it unlike this game where I have 3 ways to play it.
Like WoW’s? I still don’t get what’s the fun in raids here. I just found it frustrating and like hitting huge HP sponges to play the loot RNG casino.
There was a goblin posting being racist right in this post.
Yes, that’s pretty much right. Yet here in WoW many would agree that there’s a single viable way of playing a class, and Blizz instead of making the options better and viable, you get the good option nerfed to the ground.
See Enhancement Shaman, it was smashed to the ground specially in PvP.
Idk if “easy” is the word I’d use per se, but they were definitely unsatisfying. Basically the same ilevel gear for raiding as their version of LFR mains in the end and the actual mechanics pretty much boiled down to “enjoy the slowest/least-skilled member of your raid group wiping you repeatedly by mishandling mechanics”.
FF14 just literally put out rules about racism and how it can get you banned. They allow a lottttttt more stuff then Blizzard does.
People behind the the keyboard are different races. It’s really serverisim (though that’s really not a word)