So I canceled my sub because of Remix


The majority of rewards are purchasable for bronze. All I have to do is level up several characters and !poof!, I will have enough bronze to get everything I want.

Simple fix.

Do them as you are leveling instead of waiting to max level. Again, this is a leveling mode, not an endgame mode.


Please name these ‘many rewards’ directly requiring a geared lvl 70 character running heroic and/or mythic content. Even the ‘Bones of Mannoroth’ drops only require normal raid level and it becomes available at lvl 60.

I’ll even give you the best source to look at the rewards and their requirements, and a Blizzard source for specifically what level you can jump into each scenario, dungeon and raid at.

This ain’t regular WoW.

(Edit: corrected entrance level for normal SoO)


GOOD! Finally someone is doing this the right way. So many WoW vets just complain and complain, no constructivity, just complains. Yet they keep playing the game year after year.

If you aren’t happy with the game you’re playing, WHY are you playing it? You wonder why Blizzard keeps making mistakes, yet you keep giving them money. Abusive relationship much?

You can do M SoO while leveling? SoO doesn’t unlock until level 60, when the scaling is already negatively affecting players…

There are several achievements directly related to clearing the Heroic raids and Mythic SoO.

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You quit the entire game because you didn’t get the cheat the system an a limited event? lol. Okay.

Thank you for the correction. I hate spreading misinformation and will change it in my post immediately.

:pie: for you!

But that is still not a geared lvl 70 character.

The posts I have read and the youtubers I have watched report it can start at around level 65 but only for certain classes. (But everyone seems to get dinged at lvl 70 which is why my character will be parked and I will start another one.)

Also the talents you socket can mitigate it to a certain degree. There are god-level ones available. (I use a rez talent that saved my bacon more than once when I pull too many in the open world because I am being careless because I am a GOD!)

And, even if you are one of the afflicted, you still can run it from lvl 60 to lvl 65.

We were talking about the great rewards, not achievements, and I don’t see the list of ‘many rewards’ directly requiring a geared lvl 70 character running heroic and/or mythic content anywhere in this post.

It would be nice if they changed the %Exp gain to %Bronze gain once you hit 70. I’d be fine even if they put a cap on it at like 500% or 1,000%. But I believe that would fix the issue almost entirely. Then all the effort people put into grinding the frogs would essentially changed to normal grinding power, if we were getting 5 - 10x bronze multiplier. Also gear upgrading vs buying cosmetics wouldn’t be a huge decision.

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And nothing of value was lost.

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Just because you are only concerned with the “great rewards” sold by the vendors doesn’t mean that’s the only thing worth obtaining or important to everyone.

There is an exclusive ReMoP title for clearing M SoO “Paragon of the Mists”. I want it for my Mistborn character. Full Heroic clear provides 2 rewards, a title “Claw of Eternus”, and the necklace unlock.

Also, I’m an achievement wh0re, even when they aren’t worth points.

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Sounds to me more like he’s done because he’s sick of Blizzard letting cheaters slide and punishing those who didn’t cheat.

But lol, I guess you just didn’t learn enough critical thinking to be able to identify that.


I never said that they were.

I also never said I was only concerned with ‘great rewards’. Sure, I like the three mounts I have gotten (love my phoenix!) and will probably pick and choose a few more mounts, some mog and one toy at the end of the event after I get all the bronze I can so I know what I am working with. But it is actually the whacked out gameplay that I am loving and can’t wait to see what I hunter and a warrior can do with it!

Please go back and read our discussion to see how it took a left turn into discussing ‘great rewards’, paying special attention to your post #36. Hint: I wasn’t the one who zeroed in on it.

My premise/argument is that remix is a casual event, people are just choosing not to play it like one, instead sticking with the typical WoW mindset of ‘endgame is the real game’.

And you proved my point when you assumed 'many of the rewards directly require endgame content to unlock or achieve ’ (direct quote from your post) when, in actual fact, they don’t. Neither do the majority of achievements.

Now that is cool. I hope you get it. :crossed_fingers:

I was serious about running more than one character. You can have one running endgame content and collecting bronze for gear upgrades to earn that (the event is three months long), and then use the other thirteen you wanted to create to just level, collect the base game achievements (since you are an achievement w***e :grin: and I assume you have not gotten every one outside of endgame content) and use their gold for the cosmetics you want.

I realize that sounds time consuming but if you spread out running instances on your endgame character while just leveling one character at a time during normal play time, you should be able to do it in an organized and efficient fashion, especially when Blizzard is likely to buff bronze again and again and again. I mean the event hasn’t even been live for a week and they have already buffed it once.

Blizzard has also announced there are more lvl 70 changes coming (and hopefully that will at least include dealing with the scaling issues, if not nerfs to the cost of gear upgrades, which are ridiculous) so that should help too.

Good luck :shamrock: !

My point about the rewards is that there are some things you need to waste bronze on with gearing to achieve.

Also, it’s not 3 months for me, it’s only 2. And during those 2, I have a 60 hour a week job. At the current state of remix, and the amount of bronze we get from regular gameplay (questing, scenarios, dungeons) it will be almost impossible to have enough currency to unlock all the ReMoP exclusives, cost is 311k, which is roughly 100 hours worth of just H dungeons, assuming you can manage to do an average of 3 per hour every hour. That’s assuming you don’t buy any of the other rewards and don’t waste any on upgrades.

As for your suggestion, that’s currently what I’m doing. 1 round of LFR/D/S dailies on main, 1 round of the dailies from whichever hub the shrine guy sends me to, then leveling on my alt. Not going to sink too much time into my main until they do whatever they might do with the gear upgrade cost, since it will almost certainly not be retroactive.

My biggest problem with this whole fiasco is that this is already a limited time FOMO event, where there are exclusive rewards that are unlikely to obtainable again for a long time, if ever. Of that limited time, I’m already going to be losing ~35% of it due to IRL priorities. Then, out of the remaining 65% of time the event will be around for, another 7% has already been spent with broken scaling and a worse than retail grind. If this event is designed around “obtain everything, but it requires 20 hours per week” then it’s RIP.

Even if I ignore the raiding titles, and only try to obtain the ReMoP exclusive vendor mounts/mogs, that is still ~100 hours of game play required in the current state. That’s 10 hours per week (which is triple what Blizz considers casual ~30 minutes per day), and for me it’s 14.

As for them announcing more changes, so far I’m not hopeful, since all the changes they have made so far have either no impact on the actual problems (still getting 1 shot in normal scenarios from unavoidable damage) or they continue to penalize the players that were doing the intended content by not making 1 time rewards retroactive (even though they have a built in system that informs when that 1 time reward was obtained).

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I don’t plan to. I’m not even sure if I’ll do normal for the neck, or wait and see if they move it to LFR.

However, 200 hours? That’s 10 hours per day for 20 days. Not even a month. The event is three months long. At 5 hours per day, that’s 40 days, just over a third of the event. Plentyy of time to work up if you want.

Yeah, exploiters always leave a bad taste in people’s mouths. But you can either let them ruin your fun, or ignore them and stay happy. It’s your choice.

If i unsubbed every time blizzard turned me off, Id be living in a monastery by now.
Just dont do the content…play retail.
Seemed like the obvious thing to do instead of stomping feet and storming out.

But from what I understand, only a few of the items are original things specific to this event. Things like the Zone achievement awards (which dont cost Bronze, are earned by doing stuff for the achievements), the mount you get at level 20 (again, just earned by play), the Legenday cloak effects (which you get by getting 4200 threads), the Astral Emperor’s Serpent (rep and other ingame activities), a pet (zone achievement), an Illusion and a couple of cosmetic set appearances (again, from ingame activities).

A bunch of the mounts are recolours of other mounts and those do cost Bronze. The rest of the mounts are earnable in retail.

I think, unless I’m mistaken, that the gear mogs are all still able to be earned in the retail game. Perhaps someone can clarify that.

So if someone wanted to concentrate on getting the things that are specific to the Remix, its likely only the recolour mounts actually cost anything, and everything else is just from playing the event.

200 hours is a month of a full time job. That’s also just the cost required to gear up, not including the cost to buy any of the rewards. Another 100 hours just for the ReMoP exclusives. Not going to bother calculating the time cost for the things that are obtainable in retail. Not everyone can play all day, or even will be available for the entire event. I’m going to miss 4.5 weeks of the event while traveling, so that 200 hours for gearing is over 2 months, that’s 100 hours a month. During that same 2 months, I have a 60 hour/week job, so that’s ~12-15 hours per week, basically eating up my entire weekend.

Blizzards historical reference of a “casual” is 30 minutes per day. At the very minimum baseline, that should be the maximum amount required to obtain the majority of the casual rewards, which would be all the mounts and mogs that only require world/questing content. If you only play 30 minutes per day every day of the event, maintaining a maximum bronze acquisition rate while doing so, you will not be able to obtain even half of the rewards exclusive to this event.

The exploiters don’t bother me. They didn’t do anything wrong. There was the opportunity to accelerate this tedious grind (worse than any current retail grind) and they took it. Blizzard bothers me by removing the farms and not actually addressing the problems with the game mode. The scaling is horrible, and the solution is the gearing (supposedly), but that gearing requires double the amount of time and effort required to gear up in retail. Then they added in more resources, but they didn’t make them retroactive, so anybody that spent time doing that content, is just SoL. I missed out on at least a thousand bronze and ~2.5k threads by them not making the 1 time rewards retroactive.

This is supposed to be the accelerated game mode, and you are supposed to be overpowered. Getting 1 shot in normal scenarios, doing the content at the same gear level that it rewards you with, does not fit with all the promotional hype they used. I do not feel like I have “godlike strength” or “wield unlimited power” when I get killed by regular melee attacks in a normal scenario repeatedly.

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I guess I hadn’t considered that. I’m retired and have nothing but time.

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There are 311k bronze worth of new rewards exclusive to this event. I don’t remember where i got it, probably reddit, but there is a google sheets checklist of everything purchasable from the vendors. Anything marked with * is new and exclusive to this event (until they announce that it will be available in retail later).

The mogs that are exclusive are the recolors of the Trading Post ones, one armor set and weapon set for each class, and there are 6 “World Sets” that are recolors of MoP sets. There are 30 vendor mounts that are exclusive to this event, even if some of them are just recolors of existing mounts.

All told, it’s 311k to buy everything that is currently new to this mode, no word yet on if or when it will be available again in retail.

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It is my personal theory that it was put in the game at those insane prices to give the players who like to level alts but don’t collect mounts/mogs/toys, something bronze-related to do. The upgrades would add power to their characters but not so fast or so much that it would cause cracks in the rest of the mode.

Ah, yes, I remember those days. I worked a full-time job to pay the bills and two part-time jobs to boost my resume in order to get full-time job in my field (spoiler alert: it did not happen, instead the bill-paying job boosted my resume, turning it into a bill-paying career :grin: ). That whole time is just a blur of traveling from one job to another all week and then sleeping all weekend.

Okay, new game perspective/strategy.

All those cosmetics simply give players a variety of options as it is not necessary to purchase every single thing. Pick and choose what you really want, add up that cost and then figure out roughly how much time it will take. If it is still too much, take a few options off the table; it you can afford to invest more time, add a few more options to the table.

Update as Blizzard nerfs/buffs whatever.

That way your stress will be reduced (which is the most important), you will have a solid plan with an achievable goal and you will appreciate what you do get more because you invested thought and care into choosing it.

Smart man :+1:.

Yes, that does suck.

The broken scaling is just so disrespectful in my book.

Who at Blizzard said, ‘obtain everything’?

'Cause they need to go back to math class.

Don’t do that!

Or at least not the ‘Paragon of the Mists’ one because that is perfect for your one character.

Quality over quantity.

Probably wise.

Wow! I knew lvl 70s were getting one shot in dungeons and raids but scenarios?

Blizzard so needs to fix that, pronto.

No one is being penalized. It wasn’t in effect when they or I did it so Blizzard is not taking anything away from them or me.

I notice you only have 64 posts but have no idea if you have spent a lot of time here just reading here so I am going to give you a word of warning if case you haven’t.

General Discussion tends to exaggerate and… recontextualize things to suit their narrative of being victims of Blizzard. That is not to say that Blizzard is actually a good company and all those people are just negative nancys because Blizzard is not a good company. Their lack of integrity alone is disgusting. If I didn’t love adventuring thru Azeroth, heck, just Azeroth itself, so much, I wouldn’t have lasted a month when I returned the first time just before Covid after a seven year absence.

But the majority of rabid complaints here tend to be more about posters creating outrage to garner attention or their own personal hobbyhorse than actual game issues and will use words like ‘punishment’ and ‘penalize’ inaccurately in order to stir the pot. I strongly suggest you try to look at complaints objectively to see if there is any substance to it (like the scaling issues) or if it is all confetti (like the frog farmer jealousy-fueled outrage) because it is easy to get swept into that mindset and have it sour and ruin your game experience.

I am off now, have a great day!

Cool I’ll see you next week on another alt level 10 complaining about something

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I understand, and feel the same. Its the old blizzard story, make something fun then patch it until the fun stops and the cost is high. I blame myself for even thinking it can be different. The reality is if it could have been different it would have been long, long, long ago. Its just my brain damage from years of this stuff to make me think this time is going to be different.