So I canceled my sub because of Remix

I would have sat there for the entire event killing frogs.

Yep! The Remix-rewards are the important ones, not the competitive nature, which was always temporary.

Worgen Warrior Heritage weapons, Blood Elf heritage armor (Kael’thas), Shado-Pan transmog and so on.

Some players did that from launch, and got a lot of the Remix achievements that now are rewarding more bronze and more threads. But since they already got those achievements, they lose out on the rewards that players will now get for them.
Sure, they can roll another alt and do them all over again, but that shouldn’t be the only option.

And more likely than not, in 4-6 weeks devs will “following player feeedback” decide those achievements should be retroactively granting these rewards.


Do you think you’ll be able to survive Heroic or Mythic raids with that ilvl, or do you think you’ll need to waste the 500k+ bronze required to level up your gear in order to complete them (if you want those rewards).

The main problem is, 500k bronze to upgrade gear requires about 200+ hours on average to obtain, and that is 200 hours that you aren’t saving anything for the vendor bought rewards, like the 300k bronze ReMoP exclusives, or the 200k rarest mounts in the game (rarer than infamous love rocket). So, if you want to get the Mythic SoO title AND all the exclusive ReMoP rewards AND the World Boss mounts, it requries 1 M bronze, 500 hours worth of content.

If you don’t have 500 hours of free time over the next 3 months, you’re just SoL. But people that were able to frog farm managed to get that same 1M bronze in 1-2 days of frogging, obtained everything, AND they actually get to enjoy the game mode the way it was advertised as: an overpowered speed run of the expansion. They can now spend the next 3 months leveling a bunch of alts, and not have to worry about optimizing bronze farm time.

If Blizzard buffs all bronze acquisition by 100%, it will still be 200+ hours of average content to complete the event.


So the only thing you wanted to do for 3 months was kill frogs? You can still kill the frogs if you want

This is not a “casual event”. It requires objectively, significantly more effort than retail. In terms of gearing and player power.


That is actually what I did do. I left during BfA when their changed how heirlooms worked. Still looks like it works ridiculously. Anyway, when the MoP Remix thing popped on Youtube, thanks to the evil algorithms, I watched it and got very excited!

The whole “The alts you create’s cloak will share the power with your strongest remix character” line and the whole “this looks fun” and “overpowered” things, I got hooked. I LOVE levelling alts, it’s all I did in WoW, but I like to do it feeling powerful, my main is for slogging it. The alts should have it easy.

Anyway, yeah, so I COULD have farmed frogs. I was 70 and in the Timeless Isle, but I was worried I would get in trouble. lol Yeesh. And then I make a new alt and find his cloak does not share the stats at all with my lvl 70 remixer. Good lord, I feel duped.


The frog farming existed in the original release of Timeless Isle and ultimately didn’t make that much of a difference. The same will probably happen here as well.

The frog farming in original MoP didn’t provide a 20x player power amp.


Good, that’s the best way to farm atm, until they don’t increase gains. Just chillmax and collect stuff.

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How much bronze you getting per hour hanging on the timeless isles?

This is what I’m doing. I’m here to enjoy the raids and dungeons as I would otherwise blow past them on any moderately kitted-out character. Seeing how these play with mechanics and systems has been such a nice change of pace even though its sometimes slow to progress, which I know sounds weird as WoW players are want to go, go, go as fast as possible.

I bought some lower-cost mounts, like the Kite and Shadow-Pan tiger, along with a few ensembles, and I’m honestly already happy with my progress. Is it fast? No, not really, especially in comparison to the Froggers, but that’s alright. I know this event was sold on a power fantasy, but I’m okay with the progress of my edgy Void Elf. :3

Even if there weren’t people farming frogs, there would still be people much more powerful than you. That’s just the nature of online RPGs.


If I built a taller and more ridiculous strawman would my strawman be the king of all strawman?

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It is a causal event if you focus on what the event actually is: a leveling mode with whacked out talents to play with in addition to your class’s usual suspects, and a myriad of great rewards to pick and choose from.

Folks that are playing with the standard WoW mindset of ‘endgame is the real game’ and all that entails, then yeah, they are going to have to invest a lot of time and effort. But that is their choice, not how the mode is set up.

But why anyone would choose that, given everything but the character and cosmetics disappear at the end of the event, is beyond me.

How are you going to obtain the great rewards without putting in all the extra effort required to upgrade gear in order to do the content required for the rewards? Fresh 70s get 1 shot in normal scenarios by normal unavoidable damage, there is absolutely no chance they will be able to obtain the M SoO title with current gear.

The mindset of ‘endgame is the real game’ is baked into this event, since many of the rewards directly require endgame content to unlock or achieve. They also made it the most lucrative method of obtaining the rewards, but it requires a bunch of gear to actually do.

So I might have to waste 600k bronze to upgrade gear that will be deleted at the end of the event (and replaced with entry level S4 retail gear) AFTER putting in MORE effort to upgrade gear in ReMoP than it required to gear in S4 itself. You can upgrade a piece of retail gear for every 1.5 dungeons you do. In ReMoP it requires many more.

Not all the rewards that are exclusive to this event can be obtained just by leveling up characters, especially not if you want some of the more expensive ones. It this was such a casual event, it should require LESS effort to obtain similar rewards than retail, not MORE.

It requires 311k just to collect the ReMoP exclusive vendor rewards. That’s over 100 hours, closer to 150 hours. Plunderstorm got blasted for requiring 20 hours to get all the rewards.

My game plan was to use the event to level up about 14 alts, since it was advertised as a quick way to level. But it’s about par with leveling in retail, if you have heirlooms.

“In addition, power you earn on your cloak’s strongest character is also shared with alternative characters” was a flat out lie. “godlike strength” and “wield unlimited power” were also lies. Those are all direct quotes from the Official Blizzard released media about ReMoP. There is nothing fun or wacky or casual about spending an hour getting 1 shot over and over and over again in normal difficulty content.

I don’t want to waste bronze upgrading my gear. I am currently sitting at 346 on my main, and will not upgrade until I come back from my traveling. I hope they will fix this hot mess by then. I have over 700k bronze worth of rewards that I want to buy. That will take me 350 hours at current metrics to achieve, and I will still not be able to obtain some of the things I want, since they require Heroic/Mythic raid content.

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So many jealous babies in this game dear Lord.


Depends on what I do.
If I do my usual route(which is go all the way around once then drop off the ordos bridge)
kills rares etc, I get about 5-6k an hour.
also sidenote: i was typing this and drowned on my warrior I was leveling.

Yeah imagine them actually spending time in game instead of forum ranting…

I’d be a lot more angry at the people who decided to pay that person the million dollars more than me for the same work, than I would be angry at the person who got paid the million dollars…

But a lot of people don’t understand that concept. Which is beneficial to the people who make the rules(not always the same as the people who enforce them)