So I canceled my sub because of Remix

I know you guys don’t care but this whole frog situation has turned me off the game. I didn’t have time to do the frog farm before it was nerfed (I would have). After the nerf I have to play 20x more just to even get to their level. I know its pve and it doesnt matter but it just bothers me. Good bye.


good move there are a lot of games out there
including frogger


Eh, I wouldn’t sub purely for MoP remix.

It’s more of a consolation to tide players over into the next expansion of Retail, those that aren’t interested in the other WoWs or Season 4.

And, stuff just got buffed, it’s not as bad as it was days ago.

even with the buff we still have to work 20x as hard. Id rather go kill frogs for 12 hours straight.


I’d rather play the expansion as it was meant to be played, lol.

Thankfully the meta achievements are designed around that, so that’s what I’m doing.

The absurd player power, I’m not really interested in.

I’ll probably do everything once, get some collectibles, and that’s that.


That’s what I’m doing.
Daily raids, daily quests, exploration, I’ll do them all on normal for the neck eventually.
Otherwise I’m just relaxing on timeless like I did back in mop.


see you in 11.0

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I think im done for good this time.

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You keep calling the game “Work”. What do you care about what other people did in the game? If you’re not enjoying it then it’s obviously not for you.


Same, but not mad at froggers. The grind shouldn’t take hundreds of hours. That’s on blizzard.


So you and I worked the same job and I got paid a million dollars for 10 hours of work while you worked 100 hours and were paid $1000 would that be okay with you?


bye bye buddy.


What would you have done if the frog farm was never in the game, like they intended? Quit without actually giving it a try?

It’s okay. Some people just can’t help seeing life as a competition and measuring themselves against the ‘Jones’.

Good luck out there :shamrock: !


That’s your choice, but I think you’re being a bit dramatic. I didn’t farm hippity hops either, but I have two ilvl 360’s and the rest is 346, just by playing the campaign and doing side quests. No dungeons or scenarios either yet. 346 is baseline for doing normal raid I believe (despite some groups requiring more). I’m not sure you can view my profile, but you look for yourself if you want to verify.

just how did a 10+ year old farm get missed…thats right they dont know the game they work on…


I am pretty sure it wasn’t missed.

They just didn’t realize it would be gamebreaking because it wasn’t gamebreaking back in the day.

Even if it was missed, why would that be weird? That was 10 years ago. I’ve never worked at a company for 10 years, and I surely wouldn’t remember every small detail from a place I worked 10 years ago.

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Lol, you’re done with WoW for good because a small fraction of the player base farmed some frogs in a casual event that ends in three months?


Froggers lose their gear just like everyone else in 90 days. I just got a mount and a couple of transmogs I could have gotten in retail if I really wanted them. I played all day Saturday because it was the least boring thing I had to do but I’m done now. I’ll probably level my 1 Classic character through Cata next. Not sure what the least boring thing will be after that.