So I canceled my sub because of Remix

Not if the player count is down. Then you will see yourself in a empty mirror. Plenty of realms to show you that is not only possible, but a real reality.


Again, WoW isn’t work for me, it’s something I play for enjoyment. I don’t care to sweat killing a bunch of frogs for bronze. I play the game the way I want to and I’ll be able to unlock cosmetics I want while doing it.

Really poor comparison.

It shouldn’t change at max level. It should just be %exp and %bronze from the get go.

Sounds like a ‘remix’ of the Plunderstorm “I’m quitting because I don’t like a thing they did in a game mode”.

Remix is going away after awhile and retail will carry on. Not sure why people would get that tilted at a temporary game mode that won’t matter in a few months.

There are more important things to get upsetti over, like hero talents and warbands.

They wont even level alts. They will take their overpowered chatacter and sell carries because the content is out of reach to everyone but them. Then they will rake in millions of retail gold to basically legacy carry people through raids.

Ok, I see no difference between your suggestion and what HoF guilds do all the time, clear and gear very fast then sell CE/Mounts for the rest of the season…

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Except you wont. Unless you plan to soulessly level new chatacters to farm 40k bronze and then buy 1 mount and start over.

Snarky retorts mean nothing when you are clearly out of touch and have no idea the issues facing remix. Has a lot less to do with frog farming and a lot to do with the rewards earned that is flat out unachieveable

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If it won’t matter in a few months, why is Blizzard nerfing every single way players have to speed up the incredible grind? If it won’t matter in a few months, why is there a grind at all?

That’s why people are getting tilted. Blizzard very clearly advertised an OP collect-a-thon time limited mode, but Blizzard is removing every way to become OP and collect things without spending the entire mode grinding. But… it won’t matter in a few months, so… why?


It absolutely is…

It’s temporary. All this power these people have is going away at event’s end.

In 3 months all this will be history.

It requires over twice the time and effort just to gear up than it does in retail. There is nothing casual about requiring 200 hours for a gearing process. Blizzard’s usual definition of casual is 30 minutes per day. At the current tuning, it will be impossible for a “casual” to obtain even half of what is exclusive to this event.

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This is assuming one is trying to collect EVERYTHING.

Not everyone may feel the need to do that. I personally have already bought all the cosmetics I was actually interested in.

Now it’s just a case of leveling an alt or two. They will probably stop at 50 because heritage armor sets.

For me at least, yeah it’s casual.

Again, your mileage may vary.

I want the exclusive mounts, 100 hours worth of grinding bronze) and the M SoO title (which almost certainly will require close to max ilvl, 200 hours grinding bronze). Compared to the 20-30 hours required to gear retail to max.


you need 400-430 gear to do soo heroic. I’ve been grinding raids nonstop and I’m at like 400 ish

Even the eye-less Demon Hunter can see through the corpo sham.
They’ll probably buff bronze acquisition / nerf gear upgrade costs as well.

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For sure. It’s disingenuous to think the devs don’t already have bronze fixes lined up. But why would they roll them out now? They’ll have a bigger impact in bringing players back to Remix in a month’s time :rofl:


I cancelled too, froggers, character weakness after 60, my cloak is not upgrading xp. Alts cloak xp stuck at 103. Lack of bronze.

The biggest reason is their lack of action against the exploiters, roll back their cloaks and bronze, this proves they give 0 F’s about their customers.

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We are 5 days in and I’m already at 50k while being only lv 38. I haven’t even scratched the surface of getting large amounts of bronze yet.

There is no probably about it. They will 100% buff everything to insane degrees throughout this event. Otherwise the insane player drop off that has already happened will continue to get worse as the people who farmed frogs get everything they want by the end of this month and stop playing.

People keep saying that everyone should do raids and heroics to get stuff instead of complain about the frog farmers, but the only people who are doing raids to completion right now are people who are grouping with those exact frog farmers. Every person who argues when people complain about the frog farmers is someone who directly benefitted from the frog farmers whether it was because they farmed themselves or just let them clear raids/dungeons for them.


This is laughable and shows your lack of exp in MOP Remix. thank you. You get weaker as you near 70. 50k bronze is almost nothing. FYI.

Actually, Frogger is fun. The good old days before the internet.