So i buy my epic mount - then dm?

Please go back and read my novel; let it sink in. If you still don’t understand THEN @me. clearly you don’t understand what i just stated.

No, clearly you don’t understand the issue. The OP has no legitimate reason to complain.


I read your novel and the only feedback I can offer you on it is that it was probably a better idea not to write it.

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You paid for a mechstrider?

You deserve what you got.


“a plan of procedure, usually written, for a proposed objective, especially with reference to the sequence of and time allotted for each item or operation necessary to its completion”

Kaivax’s post fits that description, I think, even lacking specific release dates of the phases.

Exactly, my dude.



  1. a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.

LOL… dude there are no dates associated with any of the phases. That’s just a plan, not a schedule.

That’s the crux of the whole discussion. OP was never given a release date, so she has no grounds to complain.


good luck with that

like i’ve stated in my novel IF you even read it. she has a valid reason to complain as well as NOT complain. clearly you don’t read/understand you’re just quick to defend.

here i will give you an example Say you got banned for something against tos. they ban you and don’t state the reasoning. then you get upset because you were unaware it was against tos in the first place ( take a look at the nax mage soloing by spell stealing for example ) that mage got banned for “exploiting” due to blizzards own fault. something so basic as class mechanics in a raid setting should of been looked at more carefully by the dev team to avoid this in the first place.

clearly you did not read the ending. i’ve literally STATED it’s a 50/50 she has reason to complain but has to take the lost as it was due to her own fault as time stamps were not given to begin with.

not sure how hard it is to understand that.

Are you a high school English teacher? You should be.

You do realize that the items required for the Warlock epic mount quest still averages around 650-800g right?

So if anything you lost maybe 100g.


not to be a D or anything but I think you know the answer to the question “can I have a gold refund” before you asked, don’t you ?

Dude. This isn’t funny.

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Please tell me where you see dates of release on this “set schedule” or that DM is going to be released at the exact same time as the rest of Phase 2.

Edit: They acknowledge the gear may be better than some early raid gear, but say nothing about when it will come out. So there was no actual schedule for release. In fact, they even go as far as to say

So, phase 2 may actually be actually starting next week.


Are you a high school student? You sound like one.


You saw a Human who’d already grinded Teldrasil Exalted, and go the reigns of the winter frostsaber?

Because that’s the only Saber a Human has access to to my knowledge, and the time sink that involves is outrageous.

Can I get compensation for the time I spent reading this worthless thread?



I understand that much and agree. I also don’t know how or why I got drawn into this particular semantical black hole.

Sounds like you got impatient…bought your epic mount…and now you regret it.
