So I bought a 46 inch monitor

absolutely agree.
This 34" wide screen Ive got is just at the breaking point. Just enough flipping back and forth to be annoying without actually having to consider buying a smaller monitor.
Thank god I didnt listen to the sales guy trying to push an even bigger on me when I bought these ones, lol

Imho I’d play in windowed mode for content like that and just have a screen edit load out for push content to keep the size reasonable.

Alternatively you can push chat/damage meters and quest logs to the far edge of the screen and just focus on hotbars and health bars. I already have everything centrally located so the screen size doesn’t impact me very much. With proper keybindings and cooldown tracking weak auras you really don’t even need most of your bars visible.

The bigger real estate would be great for questing, casual dungeons like timewalking, LFR, crafting, whatever. I’d be reluctant to take it back if I enjoyed it otherwise.

The window doesn’t even have to be that small. You can still scale it to whatever is comfortable.

As I get older, and my eyes get worse, I have increased monitor size to compensate. My sweet spot turned out to be 34" - when I tried a 40", it was just too big, and required too much head movement when used in my desktop environment. I also found that it was most comfortable for my eyes to turn the brightness way down the larger the monitor. My current main monitor is set at 15% brightness.

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Pretty certain its Nvidia GTX 4070 Super.

Their 42" is bettetr in almost every way. Half the cost, higher resolution, higher ppi.

I’ve been running a 55” for years now, but I sit back on the recliner with wireless keyboard and mouse.

And FYI, from my research, OLEDs can burn in, QLED is better for gaming.

I heard he got the last one in stock.


I have a 55” gaming monitor, that is about 5 foot from my face. And I have never had an issue.

I’ve got a 32 and it’s at the end of my bed so I can laze flat on my back while playing. Still gotta zoom the screen in to read quest text tho

Ive been playing on a tv for like 10 years. You get used to it xD

Make sure you are sitting at a good distance.

When I first went to a 27" it was a little disorienting because the change was so large, (long ago), moving to 32" has just been nice. Most folks I’ve seen using 40+" monitors do it with multiple windows open, as opposed to running apps full screen; including games. Might want to try using a smaller chunk of your real estate to start with and gradually change towards using the whole monitor over time. That’s what I’d do.

Once you go OLED you don’t go back. Absolutely night and day difference

Stop believing in old news they have preventive measures for burn ins

Burn ins also won’t happen if you keep going AFK or leave your screen on 24/7

I don’t know what you people in here are talking about I have an lg ultra gear 45” 240hz monitor which replaced an acer predator 31.5” and I love this thing it’s beautiful.

I don’t have issues with seeing it things in fact I like the immersion especially with the the curve of the monitor.

But back to the picture quality- stunning. Colors pop blacks are really black. I have it powered by a water cooled 4090. Even with all eye candy on in wow and graphics settings a 10 even in large combat like 30 people killing a boss in the current event frames average around 80.

Normal questing or even a five man instance triple digit frames.

Btw you aren’t seeing more frames than your monitor can handle. What the game displays as your frames is not what your monitor is displaying so if wow says 300 fps that’s what your hardware is outputting but it what your display is showing is limited to it refresh rate.

That’s what she said.

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Funny you mentioned that. I had the same thought (it’s TOO big, i should return it) when I last upgraded my monitor.

It takes getting used to, but eventually you’ll get used to it

I don’t know why monitors still exist anymore, todays TVs have settings just for PCs and look great, I’m using a 40 inch TV and have no complaints. Unless you really want one of those curved monitors.

I’m sure I’m not the only one here who plugged their PC into their 70+ inch living room TV just to see how cool it would look, then realized you would get whiplash from having to turn your head so much to play it that way.

It takes time to get used to it, especially if it is a curved monitor and you were used to a flat monitor. The LG OLEDs that apparently were on sale recently (since tons of people got them) are pretty nice. You have to mess with the settings to get it the way you want though (like any monitor).

I’m not sure the actual size, but I have a large curved 4k monitor.
The issue? My PC can’t run WoW at 4k, so I can’t play fullscreen (unless I went to giga-stretch the game). So I play on like 1920 x 2000 windowed lol
But that window is still physically smaller than my second monitor which is like a 24" 1080p monitor.

Sometimes I get really tempted to move my monitors and play on the 1080p one (my desk isn’t big enough for them both to be directly in front of me)

I was gonna get a bigger monitor for Christmas but you helped me realize that I don’t need one. Thanks. Happy with my ghetto Mole person $100 24 inch monitor. (was $40 off from Best Buy) It works great.

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