So I bought a 46 inch monitor

I got a 46 inch LG Oled 240hz monitor. Its beautiful. Runs 245fps on WoW, on all high settings. But I ran a few keystones, and my eyes were straining. Like, i had to actually tilt my head and turn it to look at things.

I think its too big. It cost $1800. Has anyone else tried or have a big monitor and felt it was too much? Im seriously considering returning it today.


I have a bigger monitor personally and it just took some getting used to is all, it could be an issue of distance for you. I know some people that play on TV’s, but their a lot further from the TV which helps with strain. For me personally I have my biggest monitor set back as far as I can on my desk and my smaller one closer and that seems to work well for me.

34 inch ultrawide is the best monitor for wow, anything bigger detracts from the experience imo


I mean yeah you have a TV and are sitting a couple feet away from it.


I have no idea why someone would want a monitor * that * big when you’re only sitting a couple feet away from it in the first place. Just get multiple monitors if you need more screen real estate.


one of my officers plays in a lazyboy with a 55in

i’m gonna go out on a limb and say him frequently standing in fire and the purchase of the monitor are related
24-32in is your goldilocks zone for not breaking your neck by looking at your monitor


They could be just compensating for something else.

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Here I am on my 27inch. I was thinking of upgrading to a 32 or 34inc. But certainly nothing bigger. Also from what I hear, the curved screen fad is over and everyones back to getting flat screens now?

27" is as far as I can use without neck strain from looking left and right all the time.

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Can you maybe move it a little further away from your chair, like mount it to the wall that your desk is sitting against instead of it sitting on the desk itself?

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How far are you from the monitor?

The key to avoiding motion sickness is being able to see the entire screen. I prefer a 30" desk for a 42” monitor and wouldn’t use anything larger on the desk. You might try wall mounting or putting it on a stand it and moving the desk back.

Or go smaller.

A year or so ago I went from a 27" to a 32" and I wouldn’t go bigger than that. I can just comfortably see all of the screen in my peripheral and if I need to focus on something at the side I don’t need to move my head just my eyes. Any bigger and you start missing stuff.

I read when looking for my 32 that the ideal size of monitor for gaming is actually 24" and that’s what professional gamers use when competing because it focuses everything into the ideal sight line so you don’t have to even move your eyes to the side to effectively see everything.

If I had huge amounts of money a 49" ultrawide would be cool, but you would have to split screen it down to a manageable size.

back away from it a little.
I play on a 55 inch TV and I’m doing OK. I tried to go back to a monitor and I couldn’t handle how small my toon was.

Granted I’m not playing form the sofa, I’m set up maybe 3 or 4 feet from the TV

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I prefer smaller monitors.
You can take in more at a glance.

I understand the picturesque factor, and I tried a huge screen, but I was darting my eyes around too much and missing important infirmation.

  • Brim

Is your 32inch curved or flat? I’ve been wanting to get a 32inch but I’m hearing curved has jumped the shark, but I’m not sure.


My 27 is curved (I still use it as my second) but the curve is so slight it didn’t do anything. I wouldn’t bother with a curve unless you are going ultrawide.

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Frank’s 2000 inch tv.

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Can you imagine the high def po, i mean gaming you’ll do on that bad boy?

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idk i bought a curved screen about 4 or 5 yrs ago and its pretty nice. if it does much idk i havent seen a flatscreen in years to compare.

reading a post like this . did you purchase this monitor just for wow ?if yes then please return it and spend your money more wisely. if you actually need it for work then I guess use it just for that . who spends thousands of dollars just to play wow boggles my mind

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