So, hunters can magically summon skeleton hounds, but warriors can't windwalk as blademasters?

Nah we don’t need another windwalker :smiley:

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You know what, f… this s…
I don’t care anymore, you can make this warrior hero tree as arms, legs, weapons, slayer, brute, barbarian anything generic

Blademaster doens’t make sense but it makes sense for hunters become necromancer, you are all right about that. thanks.

It would work better if ww monk could use swords as anything other than stat sticks but yes (fitting too, given the blademaster was one of the more obvious anime elements in wc3 orcs)

We knew you’d come around eventually!

Very big of you to admit that you’re wrong.

Now if you’d just get over the orc thing you could almost be a reasonable human being.


Yes. Because that’s been a thing since Dark Rangers have been in existence and Black arrow and shadow damage from hunters has existed since VANILLA.

Broxikor: blizzard, wheres warrior blademaster?
Blizzard: sorry Broxikor, warriors with talents and skills about blademasters doens’t make sense to be blademasters, the best i can do is lightforged draeneis dark rangers, tauren rogue and vulpera death knights

Oh hey Sen. Welcome to this Existential meltdown.


Warriors getting windwalk when there’s a spec literally called Windwalker isn’t going to happen.

To be fair, Warriors perpetually get forgotten.

Warriors becoming blademaster ins’t going to happen since theres a spec with talents literally called Blademaster and a spec literally doing main blademaster skill.

Oh wait, this is a warrior spec.

offers an iced tea


Offers popcorn :popcorn: I’d say this one went off the rails, but this one was never on them.

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1- my argument is not that dark rangers don’t exist

2- my argument is that the requirements for a hunter to become a dark ranger are greater than the requirements for a warrior to become a blademaster

3- If dark rangers are a thing, so blademaster should be, thats my point, i’m not saying “dark rangers should’nt exissstttt at all”

Yeah and warriors still won’t get windwalk because they aren’t windwalkers lol

Where do you get this information?

Or is this just a lot of:
“I want it done this way, blizzard isnʻt doing it the way I want it done!”

They are basing it off of assumptions with already existing Warrior abilities, no official source.

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What are you even talking about? What “requirements?”

And Blizz disagreed. Moving on.

Wait, this is entirely about a hero tree that’s not even out yet?

It’s about them Wanting An unreleased Hero Tree to be something else entirely. They don’t want Slayer, and instead want Blademaster.

All dark rangers, without exception, are dead.
They are all linked to sylvanas.

Suddenly a thunderbluff Tauren simply becomes a necromancer just by being a hunter.

While blademaster are a common thing, theres a lot more blademasters than dark rangers.

Which is a bad decision just as jailer and all sylvanas content. Thats the main reason for this thread.