So, hunters can magically summon skeleton hounds, but warriors can't windwalk as blademasters?


Irrelevant to the existence of Black Arrow and shadow damage from hunters since Vanilla.

They aren’t.

It’s not.

You know with every post you make you come off more and more antagonistic and whiny. I already told you that the best way to get the change you want is to give calm, detailed, precise feedback when the other Warrior trees are released. If enough people want the same change as you do, you’ll see it happen. This isn’t the way.

Skill removed from the game.

They are. Theres a clan full of them. None of them were artificially created, they are natural.

now I understand, just a bias opinion

Are you seriously going to purposely act obtuse?

A very small, deteriorating clan. This whole, “THERE’S SO MANY OF US” thing is bs.

Yours? Every single thread you make, yes.

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Orcs have blademasters in all clans. Even Shattering Hand. One clan is full of them.

Dark Rangers objectively has less named characters than Blademasters.

Blizz removed black arrow because makes no sense for hunters. Thats a fact, the skill is removed.

I started this thread with a genuine question. I don’t understand what you are saying, im not the one being hostile.

They’ve deteriorated over the years and that’s not reason for or against any useless Hero tree name.

… how many weird goalposts are you going to move and come up with nonsensical stuff?

People asked for Black Arrow back for ages. No one asked for Warriors to become Monks.

Citation needed. I’ll wait.

Actually, no, I won’t.

I’m tired of the “WE NEED ALL ORC AND MANLY STUFF” from you.



I don’t think it’s on purpose

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just a troll, nvm

No, you started this thread with an accusation because you want something. Accusing Blizzard of double standards. You were given their reasons behind Blademaster not being one of the Trees. You were given advice in this thread on how to voice your desire for said change. You have ignored that advice.

Funny how you are trying to justify hunters being link to shadow school, through a skill which was a DOT used to proc granade launcher A.K.A explosive shot :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Theres literallly a “?” in both statements.
I elaborated in detail, why warriors who have talents called blademaster, also has main blademaster skill (bladestorm) are closer to blademasters than hunters who had black arrow (and lost it) are closer to dark rangers.

We have dark rangers, but we don’t have blademasters.

You mean your advice? i talking to you because of that.

Here’s the problem. You are still trying to bring up hunters. Hunters have NOTHING to do with your problem. Nothing to do with what you want. You are upset that someone else got something that’s been requested for over a decade. And are now going on a tangent in General Discussion in a manner that is NOT going to get any traction for what you want. Have a good evening. I won’t be responding again.

I’ll make a simple analogy.

I am being barred from an establishment because only people weighing less than 90kg can enter. I can see through the door that there is a person inside this estabilishment with 10 meters tall and 10 meters wide.
I’m pointing at this person and the security guard is saying “this person inside has nothing to do with you”

This is what is happening here.