So, hunters can magically summon skeleton hounds, but warriors can't windwalk as blademasters?

So your only issue is what the hero talent tree is called?

You look like you like to cosplay a blademaster anyways. Congrats, you’re a mirror-image-less blademaster! You did it!


Then if you don’t care about mirror image, and you already have enough BM talents. WTH did you make the thread for??

So what are you asking exactly?

For hunters to not be able to summon skeleton hounds? Or for warriors to blink like mages?

Mirror images feels like something Rogues should have since they do have that whole tactic of having a bunch of people dress and move identically to confuse foes. Random Rogue: “Meet my little…I mean 100% identical friends!”

My aim is identity.
Change the gameplay significantly while maintaining the theme.

Transform charge into windwalk, which would be a short jump combined with a sprint.
That would give chances for attacks to trigger whirlwind, just as retribution triggering divine storm for the templar verdict.
Perhaps an interaction similar to killing spree, with brief images that do not impact balance or are not summoned.
Maybe change die by the sword for images around you which mitigates damage just as DBTS and make you dodge instead of parry.

Given the origin it would make sense as Rogue is a lightly armored melee too

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Enhanced mobility and invisibility, just what warriors need :roll_eyes:

Its just make charge become windwalk, doens’t have to be stronger, its just for the fantasy and variety purposes


Because Hunters already tame undead pets so summoning ones isn’t as far as a leap as Warriors suddenly using magic to make mirror images (a Mage class ability) and walk across water (a Shaman and Death Knight class ability).

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I’d say warriors should have a ranged spec in general, but there’s a zero chance that’d be implemented well.

Its not suddenly.
Warriors already are a hero class, a “arcane avatar” fighter, they aren’t footmans.
You are already special, you are at max level. We not talking about lv 10 warrior becoming blademaster in the barrens.

So you know nothing about dark rangers. Because literally 0 hunters became a dark ranger in a short leap, all time. At same time, blademasters are common in burning blade clan and not so rare in other clans.

Warriors which already has talents and skills of a blademaster are closer to blademaster than hunters are closer to necromancers. Thats a immutable fact until the next retcon

That’s not true.

I stood in the fire.

i do good hunty

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

my premise ins’t “Dark rangers doens’t exist”
my premise is :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

it is easier, more common and more frequent for a warrior to become a blademaster than for a hunter to become a dark ranger

the game has a hero tree for dark ranger, but not for blademaster

BTW, Nathanos it’s a very weak example to justify dark rangers, as his description is VERY unique as the only human which became a ranger lord, then he died and sylvanas helped him.

Game already has a Windwalker that summons “Mirror images” it is called a “Monk”

Thank you Kanye, very cool!

they’re different classes and classes are differentiated by having different abilities. well i hope this helps!

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I just realized from this troll thread that none of the Maldraxxus undead tameables have either the vanilla hyena from hell or the lime green pooch blighthound model.

Mage mirror images works different from monk, just as warrior blademaster mirror images could work different than monks, in a more subtle way that does not involve summons, it could be similar to shadow priest apparitions
or with effects similar to killing spree

The dark hunter fantasy has existed since vanilla in the form of Nathanos Blightcaller.