You can buy 3 from the tuskar, the ones you buy from the other 3 vendors aren’t there until they’ve been found once
They aren’t ALL available, the ones that drop from Stalagnarok WON"T DROP
it does drop it’s just bugged. need to take the boss to the back so it doesnt crash into a wall repeatedly and the walss come crashing down
They said the gems from the weekly quests. Those specific gems are being sold by the Tortolla
The mastery one is not sold it only drops from hollow and IT WON"T DROP
Yes it does, the boss bugs out a lot and that’s a problem that needs to be fixed, but it DOES drop. I have every citrine
they are available without bugs? I can get none from one event even after 10 tries today on 2 different characters.
Available, yes, without bugs, no. Stalagnarok in particular seems to be breaking his mission a lot. We’re still trying to figure out exactly what’s causing it, but under the right circumstances you can complete it and get the citrines to drop
But they are time gated rare that drops good ones is buged you have better chance of wining lottery than getting a gem from it
How’s the ring, you ask?
Gee, I don’t know. Since blizzard hasn’t addressed the Shuddering Hollow glitch for 5 days even though the ring is essentially mandatory for pushing content, it’s really hard to say…because the gems I need aren’t dropping.
It’s about 60k DPS loss for my pally right now on the target dummies.
What are you talking about?
Its fine now.
im afraid it’ll be the case for me too.
my rings are big haste slots. cant get the same amount of haste with the new ring.
feels pretty bad.
*haste doesnt just change the numbers at the end, it changes the whole feel all along. i don’t know how to cope with that.
Replacing a 636 3k haste ring with the circlet I only lost 77 haste. Once it is upgraded to max Circlet will be more haste. If your highest secondary was haste and you are using all stat gems the loss shouldn’t be noticeable in any way, it’s nearly the same amt of haste. IF haste wasn’t your highest secondary though yeah you might lose some haste.
On wowhead: “For Retribution Paladins, the ring is a strong option, worth always using if you have access to the best gem combination. A fully upgraded version with the best gem setup is roughly equivalent to a 700 item level regular ring.”
Your class guides seem to like it quite a bit.
The problem he’s on a targeting dummy, the time you have to hammer away at a dummy to actually get useable numbers is a long time.
He should be running a sim, but no one wants to do that and get actual numbers. They’d rather go by feel, “uhm I think the ring is worse than this green I have because that last fight felt longer.”
I didn’t want to outright say it but yeah, probably. A loss that large when guides are suggesting that the ring is HUGE for them means they are probably doing something wrong at the target dummy.
To be fair blizz should put in the tooltip the total stats you are getting, or explain how the mastery gem interacts with the other stat gems better. The vagueness is probably what is giving people a hard time.
In any case guides/class discords already did the math, people just need to check those out, or like you said run the sim.
Huh? Which gems are these? I don’t recall getting any of them from a ‘weekly’ thing.
So hows the ring now?
Xal’atath keeps stealing it and putting them on her freaky man piggies.
You also can’t accurately evaluate it on training dummies because one of the effects only really works to its full strength when in a group with people who also have the same ring.