So hows parse culture working out?

who cares what a guild youre not a part of is doing to attempt to make a challenge of this phase.

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join speedrun group

wtf it’s a speedrun?

https: //sod. warcraftlogs. com/character/us/wild-growth/joppadahutt here are my parses very bad yes,but find a guild that takes grey parsers like us and avoid the sweats.

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“Parsing is one of the main ways to have fun in this game because it’s a 30 year old bare bones AF game with like zero mechanics”

Yeah, no duh lol. It’s still cringe though. It reminds me of people trying to get high scores in Arcade cabinet games.
“WHOOAAAA look at me bro, I’m number 1 on Mrs. Pac Man!!!” Lmaoooo.

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Parse culture completely alienates any sane, normal person from the game.

SOD is a low effort mess in every regard, sure, but dont act like the whole parsing circus isnt doing immense damage.

I feel like you don’t know what that word means.

I guess it’s a good thing you don’t decide what’s fun for others.

Sheesh what a loser mentality.

Kind of funny for that to be the first immediate comparison. I would also advise people to not be spending money on sports betting or casinos. But to each their own.

I guess I could never value being good at a game enough to do this. It also just quite frankly seems like getting good at a game is something you could largely do for free by reading guides and playing enough, especially with the internet. Trying to get someone to pay you for that information seems like huckstering, and the person doing the paying, a sucker.

Bro shut up lmao

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i have gotten 99.9 parses on certain icecrown bosses on ret even while obeying mechanics, i have like a rank 20 blood council parse which i think was like top 5 in the world at the time where i ran out during lust so i didn’t kill my warriors who were all smashing the boss

these “i need to do insanely toxic stuff” to get 99s is pure copium


How enlightening! I am glad my comments allowed you such thorough laughter, though. :yum:

Speed running is not the same as parsing, they use warcraft logs to record the speed of the run, but parsing and speed running are 2 different things, they are somewhat related but speed runners do not go for high parse numbers, they get them sometimes because of how fast they are going.

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Completely brain dead post.

Parsing and gatekeeping for high parses has had little to no impact on the huge decrease in the playerbase for SoD.

Most of the high parsing players and guilds have gotten bored with the current state of this phase and left for cata/retail/mop.

Pugs are taking any player with a pulse at this point to fill their runs because there are that few players left.


Parsing is nothing but sad, stop pretending you people have fun minmaxing the joy out of an ancient game, or well, REHASHED dungeons in an ancient, easy game that still have no difficulty whatsoever.

All you parsers do is chain yourselves to numbers on some meaningless website no sane person will ever look at, then complain about everything in the game that stops you from getting your numbers, like Darkmoon Faire pvp now.

Again, parsing/speedrunning on Classic World of Warcraft stems from a deep seated insecurity.

How often do you think this happens?

I have decent parses and never come across the things you mention above, minus the dps target focus. It’s all fearmongering by bad players anytime I actually do encounter rumors of it.

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I play Fridays sats and Sundays maybe. I’m what you’d call semi casual.

If you think 8 dungeons a week and 4 hours of raiding is a full time job. Well I fear you haven’t worked a day In Your life

Parsers are the most miserable, socially inept and frankly sad people ive seen on World of Warcraft. And the quality of the community was already in the gutter.

Ive heard a grown man scream and cry like a badly raised child over losing his world buffs. Bizarre.

I dont blame these guys for being driven insane by the world we live in, but they should not be on the internet destroying videogames.

You being worried about what other people are doing is the real insecurity here.

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Cause it doesnt affect me right?

Except you crybullies had this game broken with a chronoboon and a free rank 14 system, and you continue to demand more.

Smartest parse bro.

That’s Blizzards fault, not parsers.