So hows parse culture working out?

Have enough players for a nice healthy community? Getting enough people in your raids? Guild engagement and recruiting going well

That Archon addon should really help tighten up the player base even more.


Every version of the game has parses?


Parsing is one of the main ways to have fun in the game raiding. Getting better at your class and getting better numbers because you played well is a lot of fun.

Though, there are people that have some sort of chip on their shoulder or wrap their entire ego around being “anti-parsing” and refuse to get better.
It isnt that hard to learn how to time your personal buffs to do good damage or build the groups within the raid so you can do good damage, especially in a 20 and 40 man.

Most pugs are just asking for basic competency of you class. They will take blue parsers (that means average) in most cases unless it is a specific group trying to fill a specific spot for a specific reason.

The problem is that, most of the people complaining about “parse culture” are grey and green parsers that it is clear when you look at their logs they do not know how to gear, play their class, avoid damage (because they die on more fights than they live) or even push their buttons for the entire fight. I have seen several parses where people just do literally nothing for 20-30 seconds in a fight where the mechanics should not have that happen. But entitled people, feel like just because they exist, people should invite them and give them loot.


Ah yes…parse culture is the cause our current woes.

If people just didn’t care about their damage the servers would be full.

Bro, shut up.


Not one person in my guild quit over parsing.
They quit over lack of content and other versions that peak their interested more then the bad PVP choices they have made and lack of content.
Keep projecting.


Why would you care if some people want to parse, it can be both fun and exhausting. If your not into that kind of thing, why don’t you make your own raids, or look for a more casual guild of like minded players?


Sorry fellow gray parser, but parsing has nothing to do with why phase 3 sucks



not because there is no content
loot from raids are insignificant
there is no cross game incentive to play sod
there is no incentive whatsoever to actually play this game


So much anger here, go work on them parses and maybe you’ll feel better.


all parsing is, is just showing people that sweat hard enough getting full consumables, and world buffs. if u take that away from them, they arent much better then gray parsers. if These logs were only checking people for their actual skill, everything would be more averaged alot closer.


I, and many of my guild members have parsed 90s several times after a wipe, meaning no world buffs.
Your post is pure cope. World buffs right now, are like 5-10 points on a parse.
People parse purple and orange all the time without world buffs.

The only people who cry about parses are the grey parsers who get filtered by log checks.

parses are toxic to the game, check my logs


Respectable healer parses, would pug


Coming from a tank I find them dumb as hell. It doesn’t grade me on my tankyness and mitigation but on my dps? That’s why I play a tank to TANK and NOT DPS


anecdotal, also probably lying too

Good tanks, do not parse grey, even with full on “I don’t wanna die” tank gear. They tend to parse high blue and purple, and most pugs would take you, because they would not need to worry that much about threat, because you would do good enough threat for a pug.

Pugs care more about how much threat you do, and that is tied very closely to your DPS, (especially for a warrior, I know I have tanked on a warrior for a very, very long time) than they do about you taking a few less % damage than the other guy. A tank that cannot hold threat is useless, because no matter how little damage YOU take, if it is beating on the healer or mage, there is a lot of damage going out.

parsing ruined WoW imo
created a gatekeeping environment which is never good by any means.


I am going to help you out, since I can read parses, you, have consumed by rage, you have a very, VERY low up time on the enrage proc, in a full night of raiding killing all the bosses, it proced 28 times, you have some fights where it did not proc at all, meaning you did not get over 80 rage a single time in a 1-2 minute boss fight, that is one of many issues holding you back.

When you said:

The skill issue is you, you are not playing correctly, I easily identified a massive problem in your gameplay. you are hitting buttons, to include heroic strike, the moment you have the rage to hit them and not playing to keep the buff up that buffs your damage.
Other than that you are not stacking your other CDs correctly and you are hitting them at random times instead of when you get the most benefit out of them.


The heck you on about

Everyone cares way too much about a magical number on a third party site

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