So hows parse culture working out?

because it creates a toxic culture of people only playing for themselves and not the group. people have literally wiped raids because they didn’t get a good opener and wont parse as high as they want. i need to cast another balefire bolt let me just stand in the group and spread plague to everyone. I’m not swapping to adds because ill lose dps. parsing literally is anti group mentality and serves no place in group mmo content.


Posts on alt. Don’t like parses.

Tell me you’re bad at the game without telling me you’re bad at the game.


Bro plays WoW like a job and brags about it, LMAO!

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i don’t like parses i think they create a toxic atmosphere of only caring about yourself and your character rather than the raid group your supposed to be having fun and working with. I’m here on my main your welcome to look up my logs but i guess your posting on an alt too where’s your SoD toon?

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hey so my main warrior tank is named morielak on wildgrowth. im a solid blue/green parser…not grey

I recommend respecing to 13/28/0 for deep wounds 3/3 and flurry 3/5 and deathwish , the damage taken difference is minimal for going deep prot but you lose out on so much damage and threat that it is not worth it.
It is best to just hit devastate and heroic strike than to hit any other button.
Your threat and damage will go way up and your healers wont even notice you taking more damage.
I assume you will stay in defensive stance but most tanks are just going full gladiator stance, with ether the shaman alpha buff or everyone with full salvation buff. You don’t have to do that, just stay defensive stance.

If you have a priest that runs Homunculi, that takes care of the attack speed debuff and demo shout. So you can run Consumed by rage instead of Furious Thunder. you can run wrecking crew instead of sword and board and Flagellation over warbringer.

Nothing hits hard enough currently to justify going full deep prot with every piece of anti-damage gear you can wear.
If you were eating patchwerk hateful strikes, I could understand but nothing matters that much right now.
You will have a much easier time gaining threat and be able to spread your threat around easier while multi target tanking and be able to focus on mechanics more if you do not have to worry about threat at all.

Beanna did a really good write up on how you should spec and gear as a warrior tank, that is a good baseline to start from and will take you 80% of the way there.

im aware of the deep wounds build, i tryed it and i dont like it and just like deep prot better /shrug

To each their own, I would at least change my gear to DPS gear, but I play for the raid, not myself and the worse I do, the worse the rest of my raid does.

With knowledge of your class and zero world buffs you can get a blue parse easy, most pugs wouldn’t turn ya down for that. How rampant the toxicity is I really don’t know, a parse is just a rough measure of your ability / understanding of the game. I don’t quite understand how a group not wanting to invite you because of a threshold parse is toxic however? It’s literally their choice…

the threshold isnt toxic its the gameplay it creates of how do i get higher parses even at the expense of my own group that is toxic. I.E. standing in bad, not killing adds, etc.

This is actually a great point! Ignoring mechanics to parse is a reasonable argument!

What if I told you that in most situations you can be a team player and get good parses?

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You can get “good” parses with literally any group. Even with an all green/ gray group you could get all purple parses if geared with consumes (especially with world buffs).

The ridiculous selfish things yall speak of only apply to like, 99.8+.

That’s basically none of you.

So run with a team that both tries to pump but aren’t selfish.

They exist.

I’m speaking of individual play being warped not an entire team. of course if you ask a team of people they will say “we do all de mechanics derrr”. but guess what theres always someone, ALWAYS, who sits in fire to finish a cast or tunnels the boss. parsing culture puts that into their head that if they just do this they can get a better number.

So make your own team and weed those guys out.

That’s incredibly sad. If anybody is considering paying money to be coached in a video game I highly advise them to reconsider.

If you need to do that to parse blue or purple, there is more wrong than you standing in the bad.
Only at the very top do you need to do the things you are saying to cheese to the top 50.

I mean, they’re spending money on something they value. Like spending money on sports betting or going out drinking or the casino, there’s little difference