So hows parse culture working out?

I parsed 99 on my cleric today in Sunken Stockades, it felt gud

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Parses should be bracketed if you have WB.

It would kinda look like

Hovers over


WB Parse “X” 95

Parse “X” (Same one) 70

So you can tell whos telling the truth and who flexes when they are being held up with a kretch.

posting in yet another troll thread

Phases with 3 weeks of content lasting 8-12 weeks may have a bit more to do with people leave then parsing.

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My cleric’s name is FriarTuck, i parsed a 99.9 with him just moments ago.

the uberleets always get going when the going gets bad…

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going pretty well, thanks for asking

i’ve never seen so many people so against personal accountability before lol

“being attacked vitriolically” lol people in other games would literally pay money for coaching on how to play their class and ur getting free easy to understand information on how to play your class better and your reply is actually to be mad

People define fun in a similar way to how they define success.

It’s interesting how those definitions can vary.

i tried this already, they removed the option to do that, and now its asking for me to log it some how in order to claim a character which i refuse to do, so instead, i went on my blizzard battle net settings and deactivated any external sharing, sadly it will take up to 30 days to take effect, how am i being toxic exactly? im the one being gatekeeped because my parses are grey

gatekeeping is the highest form of toxicity in any form of anything

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No, having performance metrics, and requiring competency is not Toxic. Your entitled attitude is causing the toxicity in this thread, and what you’re experiencing. Why exactly do you feel nine or more other people should have to carry you through content so you can get free epics where you could even be a negative contributor to completing a raid, and yes, sometimes its easier and faster to complete a raid short handed then with poor players who lack the DPS or skills to do the content.

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I clear and know the mechanics to each raid just fine, that is the only thing that matters in any raid battle instance, not your childish colored numbers from some 3rd party sight. Stop ignoring the facts which is gatekeeping, its bad and does nothing but serve as a toxic means to belittle others in a form of superiority. i shouldnt have to reference certain individuals from a certain war to make my point, but they believed themselves to be superior and oust others from existance, i guess you fancy yourself as those people since you share their ideas.

Also a tip for you, doing actual competitive parsing requires you to literally sabotage your own raid to get real numbers, such as disobey raid mechanics to get extra casts in, so you lose on pretty much every possible argument about what is toxic and what isnt, now get out of here with this crap, your kind is ruining the game

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Thats completely untrue, in challenging raids, no part of parsing requires you to sabotage your own raid, in fact really good parse numbers usually require to execute a fight properly. While only raiding casually now, when I did do progression raids in hard content, almost all our DPS would parse, and none of them sabotaged the raid to get their numbers. I do recognize the excuse though as it is commonly used by people who challenged by their own class mechanics as a way to justify why their DPS is lower, then other peoples, so they can justify ignoring their own issues.

This of course doesn’t mean that some people don’t ignore raid mechanics, however I would bet you would find far more people who ignore raid mechanics that don’t parse, then which do

As for my kind ruining the game, I don’t think so, you see when I raid, I look for a guild which mirrors the effort I want to put in. I won’t join a sweaty guild if I want to simply be casual, and if this means I miss some content, thats just fine. I also don’t expect or feel entitled to have people carry me if I don’t meet the requirements of their group.

now u are just making crap up to help your losing argument, there are no DPS races in ST. This isnt patchwerk from Nax buddy. dont be mad at me because the only thing you can be proud of in life is colored numbers on a website from a 3rd party only nerds care about



I’m with you on one hand. The filtering and people wanting to play the game without talking ruins the sense of comrade that a lot of classic players seek. Me being one of them.

I also like to get sweaty during the winter months. Really damn sweaty. I peaked at blue parsing I’m ST and I’m fine with that. It was enough for me.

Past that point - I realized the people I played with were generally kinda antisocial. Like they’re good at the game but nobody I want to know anything about. I think that’s the discord/guild officer kinda thing.

Most players are open but when you get into scheduling in a guild you DO need to be considerate of your performance and if you don’t have 20hrs a week to do your consumes and keep up with enchants and trinkets / rep - it’s really a you choice for wanting to show up to a raid with green items.

Sorry not sorry. SoD P3 was devs on vacation and putting all their effort into MoP - which also has issues lol

So how am I making things up? I did say hard raids, which I would agree nothing so far in SOD is even challenging if you have a good group, however the content still needed to be nerfed so I guess it wasn’t easy for some, and while certainly a good group can easily clear it with a few grey parsers now, in real content later they probably couldn’t, however why should they have to struggle more just so someone can basically get a free ride?

Also again, I don’t even care about these raids, I am super casual right now and none of my characters would “parse”, so if someone rejected me from a pug for performance, I would just move on, its not a big deal, I certainly wouldn’t get angry or feel they were required to bring me over someone else.

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i wouldnt mind parse maggots if they didnt ruin it for normal people. but since they have been gatekeeping, i do mind it. This is a video game not a job.


So basically you feel other people shouldn’t be able to inconvenience you, but it’s ok for you to inconvenience them. There is an easy solution for you, start your own raids with your own rules. Take control, then you can quit blaming other people. If everything is as easy as you imply, where anyone can do the content with no regards to performance, then you will have no issues with any of the current raids, or perhaps you will find its not so easy to lead and that performance does matter.

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this has got to be the most desperate attempt at a deflect ive ever seen

ppl arent quitting sod cause parsing

ppl are quitting sod cause its boring