So hows parse culture working out?

You don’t have to though. If someone doesn’t want you in a raid because of your parses then just move on.

People on this mode care more about parses than AoTC guilds that prog mythic.

It’s nuts lmao.


Yes exactly.

Especially with content as easy as SoD content is.

Generally the only people to avoid are those who waste your time by literally not pressing their buttons

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You keep telling yourself that.

what? i literally do the things u just said im not doing lol

Also thank you for proving my point without realising it. Look at how disgusting and toxic parsers are, im being attacked vitriolically, it has to go.


Flonkntronk hasn’t posted yet? Gosh I hope he’s not locked in a chest-of-drawers, or something.

Well actually you proved his point, you accused parsers of not having skills and being the same as grey parsers, however someone analyzed your logs, provided you with some excellent feedback on how you could better play your class, feedback that went beyond, get buffs, and instead of taking that advice and getting better, your playing the victim. Of the two attitudes, the most toxic one is yours.


Unless someone edited your parses just to show you worse than you are, you defiantly do not. I can see every time you receive the enrage buff from consumed by rage. Parses literally tell everything that happens in fights, everything from where you are standing, to when you push buttons.

But keep playing the victim, because the numbers tell a different story than what you say.


my favorite part of PvE posts is it’s always QQing about something that is not even PvE itself

when a part of the game is so boring and mind numbing you need GDKPs or parsing to have somewhat of a dopamine hit

that’s what you’re defending. rough.

ummm i dont raid on my warrior, i did like 2 raids ? as u can see on my armor i pvp genius Lol

also thanks for further proving my point, parsing is toxic gatekeeping

Also keep your filthy eyes off my private information you creep

Claim your character on WCL and have it hide the logs if you don’t want people to see any of your parses that get uploaded by other raiders. That said perhaps you should be a bit less toxic.


If you view that as a disgusting vitriol filled attack, I don’t know what to tell you. You may not agree with him, but Revir’s response was quite measured and reasoned.

At the end of the day, you can play however you want. The flipside is that everyone else has that right and there’s nothing wrong with them deciding to exclude whoever they want from their raid for whatever reason, or no reason at all.


I’m going to come in hot little guy - parsing isn’t bad for SoD, parsing is literally artificially propping up SoD. You’re so wrong you’re 180 degree from the truth.

Raids will take people who literally auto-attack just to fill the raid at this point. There’s basically no gatekeeping and in a certain respect the decline/fall has only accelerated as people get sick of playing with Andies. The only guilds that are actually surviving/thriving are guilds that have created goals for themselves - hitting higher and higher parses. The content is way too easy otherwise.

Grey parse Andies do the raid one time, get massive amounts of loot, and then quit. They’re not being gatekept out of content, in fact they’re too easily getting into groups and feeling like they can now quit the game. Previously Andies would stay on that pre-bis grind for weeks and months but they don’t need to do that anymore with the free Emerald Warden gear handed out.

Thats a badge of honor.

The deeply insecure and socially inept parsers have indeed murdered Classic WoW.


Praise downleft!

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no, those guys dont even know where to find the parses. they just play the game.

Hot take but the parsing players are bored and have left SoD. Like genuinely solid mythic level players have all faded out and bounced. What is left are some of the cringiest men in the universe praising themselves and their accolades inside the putt-putt-golf of World of Warcraft.


Oh cmon , you not even being honest with yourself.

Sure do.

Also yes.

Always has, thanks for asking.

So to answer your main question. Perfectly fine.

Why does it matter if people care about parses more or less? The requirement to actually complete the content is quite low.