So how many specs can actually solo Zekvir?

They did something my bran is getting oneshot by the first fear he does now.

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Ya there was a hotfix to nerf groups in delves (grouping made enemies do LESS damage).

It broke everything, it seems.

Which tier? The first one is incredibly easy

The entire fight on tier 2 is dependent on Bran. Even the guys who have done it have said so themselves. You have to be insanely lucky with which Bran you get. The closest I’ve gotten to beating Zekvir Tier 2 was 10%. Bran just did not engage the last cocoon that was hatching even though he was standing 10 feet away.

A brewmaster in crap geared solo’d it in YouTube earlier. Video is up.

It’s not supposed to be solo’d at that level. Maybe some can do it if they game it properly, but generally the recommended iLVL is way higher. If you are at the recommended level and still can’t swing it then there may be an issue.

first tier is total skill issue
so is second since youre supposed to gear up first but ill be sure once ive done it.
I expect it to be a skill issue as well

Genuinely feels impossible as a Demo Warlock. Got 599, I’ll be 600+ as soon as I get some valorstones. My pet without the threatening aura will randomly grab aggro and die instantly removing my only interrupt. Brann never interrupts, does next to no damage, never targets the egg, and the off runs I had a solid start Brann would just die and I’d die soon after. It does feel like some classes are just not going to be able to do it without much better gear/strats.

Solo’d ? difficulty a few minutes ago as both Shadow and Discipline priest 597 ilvl with healer brann on shadow and dps brann on discipline (lvl 30 with rank 4 curios) which was a slog because he does no damage now.

Tried ?? but it’s impossible as brann does no damage anymore and as shadow the interrupt is on a too long CD even talented that it’s not possible to live, interrupt the poison and interrupt the heal, as disc I can be in an eternal battle with him since as I got no interrupt he keeps healing back to full hp every time.

right now? 0

how many 5 man can do it? close to 0


I solo’d it as 604 ilvl Devastation Flameshaper evoker with healer Brann. Only RNG is that we can’t interrupt every cast he does because our 20 second interrupt, and was a gamble if Brann was going to cleanse us of it or not. Seems like melee would probably have the easier time on this because everything is either frontal, interrupt, run out, with small burst windows on the add.

Very very few. Mainly the known OP ones like tank DH and DK. Need lots of self healing and damage reduction at the same time. I had to do it with a healer as a Prot Warrior, I simply didn’t have the self healing to make up for the 1.5 million autos through block and ignore pain he throws out.

Literally just beat Tier ? solo as demo.

Granted - the Brann AI is abysmal and will be the cause of 80% of your wipes. He needs to get every second interrupt so you can get the ones inbetween. Except sometimes he just doesn’t, or just eats the fear circle and runs away to narnia.

Other than that, I recommend a petattack macro so you can send your little army to the cocoon that spawns with minimal downtime, always stand relatively close to him so you can sidestep the big cone, and soulburn heal your pet the moment it drops below 40% - zekvir has a habit of doing very little melee damage to your pet for a stretch and chunking it unexpectedly out of nowhere.

I solo’ed “Tier?” as SV Hunter. Heard they hotfixed the “Tier??” Brann tank cheese people were doing and then it took RNG on top of RNG to have Brann do what you needed him to do to get the kill.

Not going to lie but I am disappointed in the encounter being so heavily reliant on Brann getting interrupts and switching to web add when it spawns, instead of player skill and being mechanically proficient. That and the damage is crazy high even when you do all the mechanics properly.

I might give “Tier??” a look soon but if it seems all out of whack numerically I’ll just wait for them to get the scaling fixed.

I feel like ?? is impossible to solo right now after hotfix until blizz decides we should be given the grace of their godly tuning powers so it can be done again.

Just checked out of curiosity. He one shots my pet every time and does 2M per melee attack to me. So yeah, seems numerically impossible now. Hard to see how getting more gear would make it possible in it’s current state unless they are doing funky scaling on the back end as your ilvl goes up.

I soloed him on an unholy DK.
Bran set as dps at level 18
The key is to interupt his spittle. And let bran tank him.
Kill the little adds. Thats bout it really. It helps to have a get out of stun or fear button too.

Onlytanks thing (only gigachads)

That no longer works. Brann gets owned, feel free to go back and try it again if you don’t believe me. Unless you are talking about the first tier and not tier??. The first tier was easy.

was that xaryu’s video? he is one of the top mages in the game.

if he can make it look easy, then we should all be able to do it :slight_smile: