So how many specs can actually solo Zekvir?

Its annoying to solo because if you are melee you have to constantly tank him off to the side to avoid overlap with the add but its doable. Lot of range need to rely on healer brand.

Tanks are having the “easiest” time because it prevents Bran from being feared. The longer you are able to keep Bran machine gunning away the better.

Tier ? isn’t the problem. I’m talking about tier ??. Should’ve clarified that. I was wondering why I was having much better runs than my brother, but turns out I was a tier down. It’s a TOTALLY different fight. It actually feels doable. Challenging and obnoxious still, but certainly doable. On ?? though, even with Threatening Aura off, my pet gets aggro and dies, so there goes my interrupt. Brann gets aggro and dies, so there goes my damage, and it just mixes between those two things.

Hell I can fear/cc lock the spiders. That’s not an issue. Him killing my interrupts/tank are lol.

I beat him on tier 8 as a brewmaster. I doubt I could do it as a windwalker. He came in right when I was fighting another large mob. I had Brann set as healer. I normally set him as DPS but this one run I wanted to test his healing in tier 8.

I’ve only seen the very best people of classes beat him.

Just had Him magically( didnt know he did that) show up in a delve as i was fighting a mob. thought i was gonna be rekt. killed him down to less than 50% his health and the coward burrowed outa there >.<

i solod on a 600ilvl hunter, you have to cc every poison cast and run with brann as a healer. I am using unbreakable iron idol and amorphous relic for branns curios. I pop a damage pot on one spider, one trinket on another and a different trinket on the third (using heavy dps trinkets).

they are talking about the zekvirs lair delve

? or ?? level

I did ? difficulty solo on a brewmaster that was 600 ilevel at the time. I haven’t messed around on ?? difficulty yet, but he has way more health and I wasn’t going to try that until I get some more gear.

I might try ? difficulty on my warlock this weekend.

Good luck. ? definitely felt doable as long as you can kill/cc the spider, but on ?? nothing seems to go right. 608/37 Brann and still just can’t seem to get a good run going. 4/4 on my curios as well.

I soloed ? a couple of days ago at I think 605 item level marks hunter (sentinel) with Brann at 33 and healing. I used a tenacity pet (bear) and for the most part, the bear could tank Zekvir. However, I did have to rez my pet a couple of times. Mostly I just stayed close to Zekvir to make it easy to avoid his cone and used a combination of disengage and interrupts to stop the slow dot. And of course, DPSed the eggs down but my trinkets are passive. Once I got used to the mechanics, it was fairly straightforward. I haven’t tried ?? yet–I just unlocked it but I’m working on getting my gear item level to 610 before trying it. I have just been working through other delve achievements in the meantime.