Because i just tried on my 590ilevel boomie, and got rofflestomped. His cone 1 shots, and i can barely escape it with wild charge. His poison ticks EVERY SECOND for like 20% of my health FOR 20 SECONDS! It can’t be dispelled, at least not with remove corruption. I cant even survive it burning every single CD. The Add i think, at best, even burning my CD’s, i can get to like 15% before it spawns and stuns me for 5 seconds.
I thought Delvs were suppose to be soloable? Hell, ignore that. Joined a group to try and do it and even with 4 DPS and a tank we STILL couldnt burst down the add before it spawned because it had like 35 mil health and the boss would always cone the add since half the party was there trying to kill it.
I’m a ilvl 600 prot warrior with Immortal Spelunker and Nemesis.
Zekvir claps me for 4.2-4.4m damage per melee hit on the higher difficulty.
no one is soloing it yet on ??
you need 623 ilvl at least
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Zekvir is the end challenge of delves in S1. We’re only a few days into the first week. It may still need to be tuned properly but its way too early to tell.
dont you think that’s a little low? or are you asking what classes can solo him when undergeared?
To be that guy. You tried to beat Zekvir at 590 when the recommended is 640 and it can’t be solo’d? Idk why you thought you’d be able to at 50 ilvls below unless you are a top .1% player. Even then, they probably did it at 600ish.
I’ll add in, some specs are going to have a way harder time by nature. Not every spec is equal in solo survivability.
As for group, it still falls under the same category. It scales up with more players, 5 590’s are still going to have issues. Probably less, but it still won’t be easy.
So are you asking who can solo it undergeared? Or are you just asking if it is soloable period?
Nope. Because the door says 600ilevel recommended when you go to enter. And i seriously doubt those 10ilevels is whats making or breaking it.
He has been solo’d. I’ve seen a couple people with the fancy Delvers Dirgible in town.
it’s pretty much entirely rng and it’s so fing frustrating brann always gets hit by fear because his ai is worse then ai 30 years ago its a fifty fifty if he uses actually good damaging abilities to kill the cocoons sometimes he just says nah not happening and now you get a crawler that does 90% of your health each hit
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well, you lost, so maybe…
Where the hell did you get 640? Im staring at the door right now and it says 600+.
thats interesting, when I looked at it, it said 623 on Tuesday.
It’s supposed to be t11 or 12. Whatever the last is, which would be ilvl 640 recommended. I don’t think the door is showing the proper ilvl because he is only supposed to be challengeable at the highest tier from what was originally stated.
If they changed that and I didn’t see it, then that’s on me. Otherwise, it’s a bug.
I love how you pulled these numbers out of thin air. The instance says 600+.
I’m 600+.
He kills me in 6-10 seconds because tanks take 3x the damage that DPS do.
Theres two tiers for Zekvir. The 2nd one unlocks after you do a tier 10. So that would make sense for the 2nd tier, but not the first.
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Edit: forget i asked that.
That makes sense then, sorry for the confusion on my end.
Zekvir may be overtuned then. I don’t know and can’t really speak on it. Haven’t tried Zek yet. (I do know there’s been completions, seen a few of the people with the void Delvers Dirgibles but I never looked at what class they were)
Yes I am, which is why I responded to this post asking about which specs can solo it.
Prot warriors get clapped through cooldowns in about 10 seconds.
I haven’t try it yet but my dk friend already done it at around 595
Frost DK seems to have the easiest time with him right now. Only people ive seen posting that have solod him.
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