So how many specs can actually solo Zekvir?

I finished tier ? on my ret pally today, solo after dying multiple times previously. The key here is to have Brann do most of the damage, you kill the web spawn and don’t get hit by any of the cones. Also, I have heard it is much easier as a tank such as VDH.

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You’re not even at the ilvl of lfr gear. Why were you expecting to be able to do it?

Would you be killing the finaly mythic boss with normal gear?

Blizzard needs to throw a huge popup in their face “you ilvl is far below what’s required”.

Then anytime they die have Brann say “if only you had a higher ilvl”.

Maybe they’d get the hint.

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I get that it sucks that groups can do it easily and whatnot, but reality is as a solo progression event it doesn’t actually matter if it’s harder and takes you longer. I’m sure they’ll play with the balance, but in the meantime, do your best, get better gear, keep trying, and stop externalizing blame.

You’re not in a race with anyone, nobody is recruiting you on the strength of completing it - it’s a challenge for you and only you.

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I did the T8 version as Fury mtn thane and it was rough but I also do pretty low damage atm.

Tier ?? has additional mechanics and a new phase

10 ilevel is not “far below”. Why do you people keep saying this? It literally UNLOCKS AFTER TIER 7 DELVS. Its meant to be done around tier 8-10.

My first encounter with him was on a t9 and I had no cooldowns so idk, got through 20 mil of his 88 but I think with enough cleared space, a couple of the powerups and most/all CDs I could have made it maybe

Think youre confusing Zekvir with someone else. Hes not in a normal delve.

As we should. Having a great time in tier 8 trying to gear up. I don’t expect to be able to do the top tier challenges easy with the gear I’m in, I’m not that good. Would be super disappointed if I could.

Tier 8 was mildly challenging tho. Haven’t run into the Butcher of WoW yet, but I’m excited to. I expect to die, because of who he is, until I’m geared out of these. Then I expect him to be challenging.

So far the biggest challenge I faced in Tier 8 is important mobs phasing through the ground and me having to restart the darn thing.

After you unlock Tier 4 he can show up randomly, just like the Butcher in Diablo. You’re not likely to survive that. He disappears after beating you up.

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Random spawn, hand of the harbinger? I don’t think so, unless you meant something else

You can just kite him and he disappears after a certain amount of time.

If you can kill the eggs (or adds) before they become a problem, and cleanse the dot you can solo him at 580. The debuff he puts out counts as a movement impairing effect, so Tiger’s Lust, Freedom, etc all remove it.

Simply let Brann tank/DPS and awkwardly run around while waiting for eggs. As long as you can meet the above requirements, it’s the same fight no matter what class.

If you cant dispel snares though I have no idea, maybe find out what Brann’s interrupt cd is and try and “coordinate” with him.

Soloed it as a blood dk at 600 ilvl, took several attempts tho

I honestly dont know hiw anyone beats him without spirit link

Which version? The T7 or T10 unlock?

Anyone else just have their Brann go from doing INSANE dps to literally nothing? In the middle of fighting Zekvir and he goes from 5.5mil from his Hunting Scope shot to doing 55k and he’s getting killed in 3 hits.

Yes. Was fighting Zekvir Tier ?? and had some great sub 10% pulls but now Brann is very weak and I haven’t been able to get back. The egg health feels lessened, but I wasn’t eyeballing it beforehand to know for sure.

I’m getting similar reports that actual endgame Zekvir is “in the game but not really” as a thing in week 1. He’s there to humble us now.

Solo delves in general are still kinda in beta. Best to aim low and favor getting brann his XP until their “effort economics” math balances out, because it ain’t there right now.

I can’t even burn the egg anymore, and Brann does little to no damage even with his sniper shot idol.