So how many specs can actually solo Zekvir?

DPS. Word of Glory/Eternal Flame should be enough to keep yourself alive unless you mess up a mechanic/interrupt.

Isnt he one of the best mages in the world tho?

Idk im not hip like you wfr peeps.

Ahh ok, been using him as heals even though 90% of the healing is from myself xD.

Ill give it a try with him as dps, thanks!

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I can escape it without using movement abilities, so not sure how you’re getting stuck in this unless you wait for half the cast to finish before you move

you’re supposed to kick it, not tank it. I don’t play lots of druid, but I know solar beam has an insanely long cd, so maybe you can spec into Skull Bash and use both? brann can also kick the spell for you if he’s on dps mode, but he’s pretty inconsistent, and the cd is too long for him to kick all of them for you.

it’s a magic effect tho, so Restoration should be able to dispell it.

the add can also be kicked, or cc’d / stunned. if you can’t kill the add before it spawns, you can use Typhoon, Ursol’s Vortex, Cyclone, Hibernate, Incapacitating Roar or Mighty Bash to stall the cast so you can kill it.

recommended is 600+ in game for tier ?. there is no recommended for tier ??.

they’re undergeared, but not that undergeared.

Well yeah, but they said nobody. I was just saying, there is at least one person I have personally seen do it haha.

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awe aren’t you so awesome for putting me in my place.


Dunno if anyone linked it yet but there is currently an issue with solo scaling in delves:

Decided to do a little more Delve scaling testing… here are the amazing results (on a Tier 8):
Tested on various damage intake types, settled on “Web Bolt” just as a standard for consistency for these values.

1 Tank: 2.5M
1 Tank + 1 DPS: 1M
2 Tanks + 1 DPS: 1.5M
2 Tanks: 1.5M
1 Tank + 1 Healer: 1.3M
1 Healer: 2M
2 Healers: 1.3M
1 DPS + 1 Healer: 1.3M
1 DPS: 1.3M
2 DPS: 1M
1 Tank + 1 DPS + 1 Healer: 1.3M

But wait! There’s more! Let’s talk about health values, these seem to be independent of Role, tested 1-3 player, let’s refer to “Nerubian Threadmancer” just as a constant again (every mob’s HP scaled accordingly)

1 Player: 4.62M
2 Player: 3.47M
3 Player 4.31M

Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk, enjoy the new solo content!

From Slootbag on Twitter


From what I’ve seen you can be successful if you make bran a DPS have him tank the boss.

While item levels do matter I have a hard time seeing 20 or even 30 item levels make such a big difference but I could be wrong. Maybe at 610 people will have 12 million health and do a couple of million dps, who knows.

@Flower that’s crazy assuming it’s true. Seems like they’ve messed something up in one way or another.

both can be true

I dont think so in this case, while yes it can. the scaling is seriously not working as it should be.

This part suggests that Scaling up with multiple people is bugged, and not working properly.

HP values are good for single players, group just need to be brought up to the same level.

Ehhhh… id argue no, they arent. Some elites take FOREVER to kill.

I guess you need to do more damage.

I’ve only cleared the ? difficulty so far as BM, so far I’ve seen mages, warlocks, DH’s flying around on the mount

Just unlocked ?? and tried it. Oh god.

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I soloed ?? last night at 600 on this guy. I wiped a lot mostly due to unfortunate positioning, but after many many pulls, I finally got him down.

I don’t know why Blizzard has such problems with scaling.

It’s super unforgiving but everything is avoidable, just got to be good :wink:

I nearly solo’d it as brewmaster 595, then killed it in a 5 man pug after many wipes

The melee attack is not avoidable.